JoJo’s World: Virgin Scarlet Lady Preview

JoJo does a livestream from Virgin Voyages’ Scarlet Lady cruise ship. “Two lives in 24 hours, kind of crazy,” he says, acknowledging he’s had two livestreams in as many days. JoJo mentions he is joined on the ship by J from the YouTube channel Shiplife. They talk about how they are finally doing a collab together, here on this five day cruise to Cozumel.

When asked if fellow vlogger and roommate Kyle Pallo is on the ship, JoJo states that Kyle just left the ship from the previous sailing. JoJo notes that he has purposefully avoided Kyle’s videos about the cruise to avoid spoilers. JoJo does know from Kyle that the food is good though.

As Jay leaves to explore and record his own video, JoJo starts his exploration of the promenade. From there he shows views of Miami that he calls “stunning”. He says he’s never been to Miami before but would like to. before. Looking at the ship, he shows different areas like a basketball court and boxing ring. As he looks out again, he sees many people on a Royal Caribbean ship and starts to envy the fun he imagines they’re having.

As he walks along, JoJo comes across what looks like a kids’ playground, but he states that this cruise is adults only. “It is strange seeing no kids, you know. It’s weird,” he remarks. He spots a hot tub nearby and conveys excitement to his viewers about continuing to uncover all there is to see and do aboard the Scarlet Lady. He deliberately avoided looking at any video of the ship, wanting to be surprised instead.

Regarding his vlog, JoJo says he wanting to document his initial genuine reactions, so he put his phone down and uses his other camera to do vlogging. After he returns from that, JoJo reveals that he found the Virgin Voyages cruise price to be “cheap”. He can’t remember what he paid, but it was between one thousand and two thousand dollars.

When asked in the chat about Jete, JoJo explains that Jete was supposed to come but couldn’t, because on this cruise the ship is at capacity.

JoJo receives a Super Chat donation from Kyle joking to find him on the ship, playing on the notion that he might actually be on it. JoJo gets a “Miami Vice” per Kyle’s direction and tasting it declares, “That is lovely.” He also mentions that he has received a free $300 bar tab, and that made getting the drink very easy.

When asked how he met his (girlfriend) Krista, JoJo simply states, “Just like anyone else, you know. A simple hello.” He mentions that there is an upcoming vlog about her and cruises.

At this point, JoJo goes to The Galley buffet to eat. There’s bad Wi-Fi reception that cuts out a lot of video, but eventually JoJo is seen with a container of food. He has an assortment of sushi including spicy tuna.

Near the end, JoJo announces two new vlogs are coming soon, one being the Easter egg hunt he livestreamed yesterday, and the other being the vlog about Krista. JoJo suggests potentially doing another livestream from the cruise. He wraps up by thanking viewers as he shows final glimpses of the ship and stunning Miami views.

[2/5]  This is a new cruise line for JoJo, but he covers the line, the ship, and the itinerary very superficially in this livestream. He does the usual Q&A with the chat, but even with that doesn’t provide anything worth watching. The purpose of the livestream may have been to collect Super Chats to help pay for the cruise more than anything else.

by Angela Tortelli


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