JoJo’s World: Valiant Lady 3rd Day

It’s day three of JoJo and Jete’s trip onboard the Valiant Lady, and their second day at sea. JoJo tells Jete, “I feel like days at sea are usually when you’re just chilling, relaxing, sleeping in, drinking, meeting new people.” Jete agrees: “That’s kind of what we’ve been doing.”

They go eat lunch and JoJo gets the grilled PB&J again, calling it “revolutionary”.

After eating, they go out on deck for a while. They spend time at the catamaran net that allows views of the decks and ocean below. Jete is nervous about standing on it, but JoJo goads him into doing it. They both jump around for a moment until JoJo thinks better of it. “Hey, wait, is this supposed to be a trampoline?” he asks. A fellow passenger tells JoJo that the people below are looking up his shorts. He grabs the legs of his shorts in a show of faux modesty.

JoJo socializes with several passengers out on deck. He also tells viewers that when he first heard they were going to have two days at sea, he was concerned about getting bored or drinking too much. Now he finds that it’s allowed him to relax on a whole new level.

Back in his cabin, JoJo shows viewers a letter he received from Virgin Voyages. It lets him know he’s getting a future voyage credit because of the death of a passenger on the first night. JoJo lets Jete know that now Jete has no excuse for not going on another cruise with him.

For dinner they go to The Test Kitchen. It’s a fixed menu of six courses, with a choice between beef or venison. JoJo and Jete both get a drink pairing option. Jete gets the wine pairing and JoJo gets the cocktail pairing. They both discuss and comment on each of the six food courses and the six different wines and cocktails. “We’re going to have six different wines tonight? Holy crap!” Jete exclaims.

JoJo and Jete like almost everything they’re served, although Jete’s comments are a little suspect, since he admits he wants a sponsorship from Virgin Voyages. “I just love Virgin Voyages. Virgin Voyages, they’re phenomenal. Virgin Voyages, they have the best food ever!” Jete staunchly declares.

JoJo tries to provide commentary about all the food and drink. About his Ginger Sour, he says, “Oh! This is gonna sound really weird, but back in the day, at home my dad would make broccoli and he would prepare it in like a lemon sauce, and I taste that in this.” Jete is more succinct. When served “a gris blanc, is a light rosé from Gerard Bertrand: French wine, medium body, with the aromas of red berries and rose petals,” Jete says it’s “good” and goes on to say, “I just think I love wine.”

Regarding the food, the third course is scallops with Serrano ham, seaweed, dill, and a ham broth. When Jete tastes it, it is clear he is enjoying it. JoJo asks for his opinion, but asks for him to be honest. “Don’t hype it up,” he instructs. Jete replies that it may be the best thing he has ever eaten. JoJo doesn’t believe him, since Jete is on a praising Virgin Voyages binge, but when JoJo tries it, his expression seems to indicate that he too thinks it’s phenomenal.

On the other hand, JoJo misidentifies the fifth course: “I am not gonna lie. I thought this was chocolate cake. This is the venison, and now I’m starting to smell it. It does smell really good.” Jete says, “Yeah, definitely not chocolate.”

That night they go see the Miss Behave show, which is an adult gameshow. They watch the show and at some point, JoJo inexplicably rushes the stage and does close-ups of the performers, trying to grab attention to himself.

After the show, alluding to the unusualness of the entertainment, JoJo comments, “Like most shows on Virgin… what was going on?”

At the end of the evening, JoJo and Jete (aka showmelovejete) say they are sober. They also say that’s okay, in anticipation of the next day being in Cozumel.


by Angela Tortelli



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