JoJo’s World: Valiant Lady 2nd Day

It’s day two of JoJo’s trip on Virgin Voyages’ Valiant Lady. JoJo wakes up his cabinmate Jete and they get ready for the day. Out on their balcony. JoJo explains that after the stuff that happened the night before, their whole itinerary has changed. Now they’re going to have two days at sea, back to back.

As they take in the ocean air, JoJo says, “It’s so nice coming outside, and just hearing the ocean and taking in the air.” Then feeling hungry, JoJo says, “We need to eat. I’m starving.”

It’s 12:18 PM, and JoJo and Jete head to The Galley to eat. Jete asks if the food there is free, and JoJo tells him that it’s all included in the price of the cruise. Taking advantage of variety of food offerings, JoJo orders sushi, spicy Ramen, and a toasted PB&J sandwich. JoJo says the PB&J is the best he’s ever had and gives it an 8.5 out of 10.

J comes by and tell them that they will receive a free cruise. Jay explains that in situations where there’s a traumatic incident or something happens that messes up the vibe for a vacation, Virgin Voyages gives 100% cruise credit. Jojo tells Jete, “so I guess we’re going on another cruise soon then.” Jay suggests going to Greece and both JoJo and Jete say they’re down for it, but they have to ask their mothers first.

After eating, JoJo watches some live entertainment. “That was a fun little drag show going on in there. I like the energy,” JoJo expresses. Then JoJo goes into a store with Jete and J and they look at adult toys. About that, Jete says, “Hey man, Virgin Voyages,” and shrugs his shoulders.

They go into a tattoo parlor and JoJo says that Jete is considering getting a tattoo. Jete replies that he is not just considering it, it’s definitely going to happen. Jete suggests that maybe he and J will get matching tattoos. J responds, “Yeah, about that. I don’t know you very well.” Jete replies, “Well, listen, we got six days to figure it out.” JoJo mentions that he has zero tattoos.

As the day goes on, after drinking by the pool, eating some wings, listening to a band, and playing table shuffleboard with J, JoJo grabs some macarons. He and Jete eat them on their balcony, and JoJo says, “I love macarons so much. Wow. This made me so happy.”

Then JoJo goes to join in a game of dodgeball. “I’m scared. These balls actually kind of hurt,” JoJo says with concern. Jete sits it out. After the game, JoJo say, “That was a workout.”

Speaking of workouts, Jete convinces JoJo to go to the gym. They workout in the gym and then go outside to work out some more. JoJo thanks Jete for getting him out there but says, “Gosh darn, I took three shots today, and like had a beer. I’m so happy that my body can still do this…”

Later, it’s time for dinner and they go to The Wake. JoJo says he is treating himself with a seafood dinner upgrade and this will be the most expensive meal he’s had on a cruise ship.

JoJo didn’t realize how much food he’d be getting and ends up offering some to Jete. Jete says the crawfish in it makes him want to throw up. “Keep it away from me. Far, far away,” Jete demands. He does try some of the lobster though, and says, “It’s pretty good.”

JoJo says he loves seafood and normally finishes it but can’t with this platter. JoJo says he probably won’t get the seafood upgrade again because it’s all served cold and he prefers steamed.

Despite Jete being tired, he and JoJo go the club for the evening. At the club, JoJo dances as other people watch. He returns to his cabin to do his outro before heading back to the club.


by Angela Tortelli



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