JoJo’s World: Valentine’s Day 2019

Leaving his apartment to visit a park before work, JoJo wishes everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day. He goes to Liberty Square in Magic Kingdom and there sees a lot of people wearing red and pink for Valentine’s Day. JoJo is dressed in pink too.

JoJo says he’s solo that day but he’s sure he’ll run into friends at the park. Sure enough, he finds his friend Emily on Main Street. Emily is with a friend who says they are on the hunt for some princes. JoJo refers to himself as being a prince and they laugh out loud at the notion.

JoJo walks alongside Main Street while the Move It! Shake It! parade is passing by. He says he wants the job of the stiltwalker in the parade. While he dances along with the music, June surprisingly shows up next to JoJo. June and JoJo had spent time together at Epcot in a previous video. It had seemed like it didn’t go so well, but for some reason she’s back for more. JoJo says they are going to meet up with Zane and some peeps and have themselves a day.

Watch out, Emily Enchanted:

“Like, I have a crush, well not even a crush… I think she’s cute. Like, certain, certain YouTube DCP girl. Going to make a post on Insta, be like ‘Let’s hit the park sometime.’ No big deal.”

~ Zane

In Storybook Circus, they find Zane and Zane’s friend Devin trying to take photos in front of “Emily Enchanted’s wall”. June says it’s the most amusing thing she’s ever seen, watching Zane posing for a photo he hopes will get the attention of Emily Enchanted. JoJo says admiringly, “Look how beautiful this man is,” speaking of Zane.

With Zane and Devin, JoJo and June go to Mickey’s PhilharMagic. Devin says he loves anything music. Zane says he loves anything “Phil”. After the show, Devin and Zane leave, and JoJo and June go to see Gaston at his tavern. JoJo says he’s a little intimidated by the villainous character.

Next is Pirates of the Caribbean and JoJo says it’s the last ride of the day for June. She’s going home afterward to take a nap. After she leaves, JoJo laments about being solo again. He says he will just walk around until it’s time to work.

In Frontierland, JoJo finds Von. Von is a little annoyed to be back on camera again (“This is the third time!”). JoJo says his phone is about to die and Von quickly says, “Good!”. With that, JoJo seemingly ends the vlog.

The video actually continues with JoJo after-work in his car with coworker Christian. It’s 1am and Christian is treating JoJo to some Wendy’s. Christian makes sure viewers know that he’s only expecting a ride home for having bought JoJo dinner.

[3/5]  Zane and Devin provide an amusing scene and the return of June keeps her story going. However, for being a special day vlog, the video lacks a sense of purpose or overarching narrative. Fun moments emerge from happenstance more than planning. Tighter editing and intent could have made this a more worthwhile Valentine’s Day vlog.

by Angela Tortelli



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