JoJo’s World: Uncle Lenny

JoJo Crichton with his Uncle Lenny at 50's Prime Time Café

JoJo rides a Friendship Boat to Hollywood Studios to meet up with his uncle and cousin. He is supposed to meet them at 50’s Prime Time Café. JoJo asks a cast member on the boat where the restaurant is, but they tell him that considering what time it is, it will be too late to even get into the park.

JoJo does get into the park, but since he’s late for meeting his family, he runs through Hollywood Studios to get to the restaurant, even though as a cast member he knows running is against the rules.

At the restaurant, he introduces viewers to his uncle Lenny and cousin Jacqueline. JoJo tries using charm on them to make up for being late.

After eating, as they walk through the empty park toward the exit, JoJo tells viewers his cousin is from Canada and says, “We’re Canadians. I don’t know if you knew that about me.” His cousin corrects him, saying, “Wait, you’re not Canadian.” He turns to his uncle for help, asking him to confirm that “we’re” Canadian, but Jacqueline settles it with, “but you weren’t born in Canada.”

JoJo asks them what they’re doing the rest of the evening but they’re unsure. JoJo says he believes he’s going mini golfing.

The video cuts to JoJo at Universal CityWalk, with Austin, Keith, Hayleigh and Meaghan. JoJo says it’s 12:30 in the morning. Other people join them when they get to the mini golf, including Marquis, Steph, and Emily.

Cousin Jacqueline:

“Me and my cousin, we go way back. I like to call her my sis, because she is my sis. She’s basically my second sister out here. We talk all the time. Basically, she’s one of the few I talk to about all my girl issues. . . . But I haven’t had any since I’ve been in Disney.”

~ JoJo

The video then abruptly cuts to the next day, at the Magic Kingdom. JoJo is with Meaghan and a group of Meaghan’s friends. They are in line at Big Thunder Mountain and JoJo says they have been waiting about seventy minutes. Evidently, he was not able to get a cast member to cheat and let them cut in line as he’s done in the past. He says that waiting with friends, though, makes the time go by quickly.

After the ride, Meaghan and friends go off to ride Dumbo, and JoJo goes to meet his uncle and cousin. He’s in the Main Street area and realizes the parade will soon start and he’ll be cut off from his family. He runs, again, against the rules, to try to get to them before the path is closed.

He meets up with his family and they ride Splash Mountain. On the ride, JoJo says it is the first time he has vlogged the ride during the day. His cousin asks why he only vlogged it at night, and he replies that “there’s no lines then.”

After the ride, they go to get something to eat, and JoJo says, “My uncle’s in town, so that means free food for me!” and “That’s the only reason I came to say ‘Hi’ to him today.” JoJo then tries to walk it back by saying, “All a joke.” Jacqueline reprimands him, saying, “That is really rude. That is honestly so rude. We’re not buying you food anymore.”

They run into Marquis and Steph, who are doing A Pirate’s Adventure. JoJo records them for a bit, and then says that friend and cast member Christina, is “making a magical moment”. As we know, that’s JoJo’s code for cast members cheating the system and allowing friends, not ordinary guests, cut the line. They group takes advantage of the cheating and cuts the line for The Magic Carpets of Aladdin. After that, JoJo ends the vlog, saying it’s time for him to go to work.

Cousin Jacqueline and JoJo

[2/5]  The vlog is mainly about JoJo’s family, but he makes it a mess with the disjointed inclusion of unrelated scenes with various friends. On the other hand, it’s worth seeing what JoJo’s family is like, since we only got a brief appearance from his mom and dad in JoJo’s first video.

by Angela Tortelli


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