JoJo’s World: Uncle Carl

JoJo’s family from Montreal is visiting Disney World, and it’s their first time being there. It’s Uncle Carl, Carl’s wife Andrea, and their daughter Katrina. JoJo hasn’t seen them in several years. Like with JoJo’s mom when we saw her in JoJo’s first video, Carl speaks with a French Canadian accent. When JoJo introduces his family, Carl refer to his family as “Canadian connection!”

JoJo meets them at Disney’s Animal Kingdom and the first ride they go on together is Primeval Whirl. “My least favorite ride here,” JoJo admits. JoJo says good things about the ride to his family and then to viewers says, “I’m lying to them.” They laugh when they hear him say that, not appreciating that he’d do that without hesitation.

The family likes the ride. JoJo says he loves to bring anyone on a ride for their first time and it’s special to him on today because it’s family.

Next is A Bug’s Life. JoJo asks Uncle Carl if he knows what’s going to happen and Uncle Carl says no. JoJo asks him if bugs are going to eat him, and Uncle Carl says, “I hope so.” The family likes the show and JoJo says he had forgotten that things pop out at the audience. He hadn’t seen the attraction since he was a kid, so the actions scared him.

They then head to Pandora, with a stop at Nomad Lounge for drinks. After that, they go on Na’vi River Journey and then eat at Satu’li Canteen. JoJo refers to the restaurant as “my favorite place to eat.”

They take the path to Africa, supposedly on their way to Expedition Everest. JoJo wonders how long the walk will take since “we do like to stop and look at things.” They do stop to look at things when they decide to go on the Gorilla Falls trail. JoJo includes a lot of video of it.

They finally ride Expedition Everest. Uncle Carl says it’s “amazing” and Katrina says it was the best ride in her life. After that, the family return to their resort to spend time at the pool.

Later, JoJo meets them at Animal kingdom Lodge, where they’re staying, to have dinner at Boma restaurant. It’s JoJo’s first time eating there and he thanks Uncle Carl for paying for it. JoJo says it’s his first time showing himself on his vlog going to dinner, which isn’t true, since he went to dinner on his vlog with his other uncle, Uncle Lenny. (Uncle Lenny also bought JoJo dinner.)

At Boma, JoJo gets his first plate of food: pork shoulder, beef tenderloin, salmon, and mashed potatoes. He says he wants to finish it just so he can eat more. For a drink, he gets an African Rum Runner, which he says is Boma’s most popular drink.

JoJo’s second trip to the buffet is to get oxtail soup and rice. JoJo makes fun of his cousin for getting just pasta and mini corn dogs at an expensive buffet. He compares her selections to his third plate, which has beef tenderloins, asparagus, and mashed potatoes.

After dinner, JoJo ends the vlog with his family in their resort room.

[4/5]  Viewers get to meet some of JoJo’s extended family. Also, it’s a bit of a review for Boma, for anyone who hasn’t been there before. 

by Angela Tortelli



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