JoJo’s World: Tron Lightcycle Run Preview

JoJo drives to Magic Kingdom to ride the new Tron Lightcycle Run ride during cast member preview. On the way, Jojo tells an anecdote of when he went to see the movie Tron: Legacy as a freshman in high school. He says it was the first time he’d be hanging out with his new high school friends but he ended up going to the wrong theater (a typical JoJo thing) and watching the movie by himself. The next day his “friends” asked him where he had been and if he had he watched the movie alone. JoJo says out of embarrassment that he lied (a typical JoJo move) and told them he’d run into other friends. Being dishonest goes way back.

At the TTC, JoJo meets up with Kyle Pallo, who is also there to ride Tron. They agree to ride together, like they did with VelociCoaster. Up walks Nick Lamb, who’s the cast member who invited JoJo and Kyle to the preview. Kyle does some weird fondling of Nick’s bicep. Nick explains that cast member previews have been going on for several days but today is the first day CMs could invite guests.

On the way to the monorail, JoJo says the soundtrack of Tron: Legacy was the first album he bought on iTunes. Specifically, he liked the track “Derezzed” by Daft Punk. Leaving the monorail at Magic Kingdom, JoJo reminisces about the time when he was a cast member and signed a piece of the ride. His memory about recent events is not as good, as he asks Nick when the last time they were in the park together and Nick reminds him of their recent visit to see Ariel.

After a bried conversation with Stitch in Tomorrowland, JoJo and the rest enter the walkway to the ride. On the walk, JoJo shows CMs wearing the Tron ride costumes, talks to Brayden from Mickey Views, and captures a lot of external views. Kyle and JoJo get their photos taken with an identity disc prop and Kyle does a photo op with the test ride vehicle. Although anyone who has seen the movie would recognize it in this context, JoJo looks at the Tron digitizing laser (the SHV 20905) at the building’s entrance and says, “I don’t know what it is, but it looks cool.”

A Condensed Review:

“It’s kind of short. I wish it was like 10 seconds longer, but overall, it’s going to be a great addition and you guys at home are going to love it.”

~ JoJo

They go though the inside queue and put their stuff in a storage locker as required. They board the vehicles, the ride starts, and JoJo yells throughout the ride. JoJo and Kyle record the ride using their phones, despite it being prohibited. In a previous video, JoJo explicitly stated that he knew that “you won’t be able to record on the ride.” Unlike his friend Jete, JoJo gets away with breaking Disney rules.

[JoJo previously stated, “A really, really important update for all of y’all, when you get on this ride, they are going to install a locker system, AKA you won’t be able to bring your phones onto the ride, which makes sense because this ride at some points will be going over people. Like there’s a whole walkway right there. I mean we got the train path right there.”]

After the ride, JoJo shares his initial reaction. He says it’s a short ride, but he like the openness (no seat belt). He says the initial acceleration is the best part of the ride and he likes it more than Guardians of the Galaxy.

JoJo then goes to see the work being done on the former Splash Mountain. It makes him sad, but excited for the future. He thinks that it’s cool that the storytelling has begun with notices of “Tiana’s Foods” posted on the construction walls.

JoJo provides more comments about Tron, praising the ride and saying that it is both high thrill and high entertainment. He and the group return to the ride and explore the path from Tron to Storybook Circus. There is a temporary sign that says Exit Only, but we know that Kyle and JoJo don’t obey Disney rules and they get away with walking past it.

At the end of the video, JoJo reminds people that the Tokyo series will continue. His final line is “Kyle’s moving out.” Then he laughs.


by Angela Tortelli


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