JoJo’s World: Tower of Terror and MK Fireworks

JoJo announces that he’s off work for the day and so will be visiting the parks. He will meet up with friends and go to Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom, where he hopes to finally see the fireworks from within the park.

In his car, ready to drive to DHS, JoJo introduces a new friend, Jess, who has never been to any of the parks. At DHS, JoJo says he wants Jess to ride Tower of Terror. She says she is afraid of heights, but will ride it anyway.

They watch the march of Storm Troopers and go to Star Tours, where JoJo meets up with Emily and Hayleigh. Star Tours becomes Jess’ first attraction at WDW, ever. Afterward, she says she liked it. JoJo asks, “What was you favorite part?” Jess replied, “Probably going downhill, like about to die.”

Jess and JoJo make a detour into Toy Story Land but then head to Tower of Terror. Outside of the Hollywood Brown Derby, JoJo talks to Davon (“Von”), who is on the clock, training as custodial. At least there’s a good reason this time for only giving him a few seconds of screen time, unlike the previous videos he has been in.


“Shoutout to the people who were throwing stuff in my [ride vehicle]. Thank you for letting me go on it two times in a row. I appreciate it.”

~ JoJo

They make it to Tower of Terror along with Emily and Hayleigh and wait in line for over an hour. During that time, JoJo says Jess was repeatedly saying, “I don’t want to do it,” yet there they are. Jess says she is being forced to ride and JoJo agrees. On the ride, their vehicle is stopped and JoJo explains it was because someone was throwing things. As a result of the stop, they get to ride again.

After the ride, JoJo and Jess leave the park, and JoJo explains that they are going to get food, but not in the parks, since he says he’s been spending way too much money there. Instead they go to ICON Park in Orlando, to eat at Shake Shack there. Once they get there, JoJo runs away from Jess to catch up with Keith, whom JoJo misses being in the vlog (Keith’s last appearance in the vlog was three videos ago). JoJo asks Keith if he missed being in the vlog. Keith sets him straight: “Not really. It was a nice break.” They wander around as JoJo repeatedly says he has no idea where he is.

Cut to the gang arriving at Magic Kingdom, except Jess has disappeared and Hayleigh, Emily and Austin, who appear in the vlog regularly, have joined. JoJo finally gets to see the MK fireworks from inside the park and in front of the castle. After the fireworks, they ride on Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin. JoJo says Austin may achieve the high score to become Galactic Hero, but he, JoJo, cannot. Surprise! It ends up being Hayleigh and Emily who score 999,999 and become Galactic Hero.

The five cram into a teacup for Mad Tea Party and then ride Barnstormer. Keith winces from being in the small ride vehicle with Austin. Austin states, “It was rough.”

[1/5]  There’s not much going in in this video. There are several scenes that are in low light, so the video is not good quality from a camera phone. Unless you are JoJo’s girl du jour and want to see how you appeared on camera, there’s no good reason to watch this one.

by Angela Tortelli


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