JoJo’s World: Tokyo DisneySea

Today’s livestream is at Tokyo DisneySea. JoJo notes that he is starting this livestream earlier than the one at Tokyo Disneyland, so that more people will be awake to watch it live. He shows a view of the park and remarks how cold it is.

JoJo tells viewers that Jete is getting food and walks over to where Jete is sitting outside with a food tray. Jete explains that because of communication problems and because of being rushed, he could only get food for one (JoJo), and none for himself. Jete does however claim the cheesecake. He returns JoJo’s credit card to him that he used to pay for the meal.

JoJo says he and Jete are planning on riding all the rides in the park that day. The livestream and eating are the pre-show.

They are outside and JoJo says it’s cold, but he wants to show viewers the view. The cold gets to be too much and JoJo goes inside the restaurant, Cafe Portofino.

JoJo sits inside and says it’s much better than freezing outside. JoJo asks Jete if he wants to go get some wine, but Jete says he is going to go buy a sweater. Jete points out that he is not wearing clothing suitable for the cold and so he is going to go buy some “Tokyo Disneyland exclusive merch” to keep warm. No explanation provided for why he wasn’t wearing the coat we saw him in during the first livestream.

Rules don’t apply to me:

“I’m not banned from anywhere, guys. Disney loves me. I work with them through social media.”

~ JoJo

JoJo responds to viewers’ questions and comments while he eats. He responds to a question about pulling the sword from the stone but demurs when asked if his girlfriend Krista is his girlfriend. He says he likes to keep some personal things personal. (In reality, he hasn’t hidden at all that she is his girlfriend. The admission of the relationship is the only thing missing.)

After some mentions of places he and Jete have or haven’t seen yet, JoJo states that he is extending his trip. He goes on to say that “something very bad happened.” JoJo reassures viewers that both he and Jete are safe and everything is okay, but he’s not going to say anything else until it comes out in the vlog. He says he will be leaving Tokyo on Saturday instead of Thursday. He jokes that the “bad thing” is he’s bald now, but lifts his cap to show he’s not.

Other comments JoJo makes are that the language is a barrier, but they get by with Google Translate. He likes the noodles, and there’s apparently a sword in the castle but he doesn’t know where. Also, he is using Verizon’s international plan for $10 a day. He was at first intimidated by the public transportation but now sees it as easy to use, and there are 7-11s everywhere.

JoJo says he is talking low because in Japan everyone is so much more quiet and respectful than the U.S. Since everyone around him is eating, he wants to be quiet and not bother anyone. He says about 70% of the people he sees are wearing masks. He wears one too, but to keep warm. Jete returns with new merch, for that very purpose, and they head outside.

JoJo shows the views of Mediterranean Harbor outside the Cafe Portofino, but soon there’s an astounding $499 Super Chat from “David Garcia”. JoJo is astonished and for a moment overcome. He says he had a “pretty rough night”, which suggests he is especially grateful given the circumstances. David included a message about using it for first class on the flight back to the U.S., although JoJo seems disinclined to upgrade at this point.

Jete goes off by himself but they agree to meet at the New York Deli at 1pm. When JoJo and Jete separate they have to set a time and place to meet since Jete can’t connect to cellular in Japan. JoJo heads in that direction, to the American Waterfront area, where JoJo shows the various stores and attractions there. JoJo says it’s weird to be in an “American” area in a foreign country.

He notes that that the park has attractions that are similar to what exist in the U.S., but different. For example, the Tower of Terror has a different backstory, which JoJo describes. Turtle Talk is there, but it’s in Japanese, of course.

JoJo reminds himself several times that he needs to meet Jete at 1pm at the deli. However, we never get there as the video ends abruptly, with no goodbye. JoJo stated elsewhere that the video ended because a cast member, finally, told him to follow the rules and stop livestreaming.


This vlog is no longer available on YouTube.

by Angela Tortelli


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