JoJo’s World: Tokyo Disneyland Q&A

After failing to show up to do his promised Disney trivia livestream last Sunday, JoJo does a surprise livestream on Wednesday. The Disney trivia Sunday night livestream was promised and promoted by JoJo during the livestream from his last cruise, and on one of the vlogs from the cruise. JoJo stated on his cruise livestream, “Yes, I definitely plan on doing it, 100%.” For everyone who took JoJo at his word and who planned their Sunday evening around viewing it, they found out that POS JoJo didn’t even bother to show up. There was no livestream.

During this current livestream, a viewer asks about the Disney trivia livestream that didn’t happen. JoJo responds with saying that a friend hit him up that day and because it was a content opportunity, he in effect says he chose to do that instead of fulfilling his obligation. He doesn’t explain why he couldn’t take the few seconds it would have taken to notify everyone of the cancellation.

The content opportunity was the pool day at Coronado Springs with Farris. That vlog ends in the early evening, indicating that he still had time to go home and do the livestream.

Looking ahead and making more promises he knows he won’t keep, JoJo states, “I’m trying to go live every Wednesday, not Sunday.  I realized Sundays might not work, because …  it’s Sunday. Usually I do stuff on the weekends with my friends. I vlog a lot. Wednesdays I feel are like a good middle ground. Its like the humpday, right?”

JoJo does acknowledge that he previously said he would go livestream on Sunday. “I did say on Sunday, you know…, I said Sunday, but here we are,”  he says without apology or remorse.

Turning to the current livestream, JoJo responds to questions and comments posted in the chat. Someone says his Happily Ever After vlog is lit. He says people should watch that and the vlog about him using ChatGPT to plan his day. He pushes the AI vlog several time during the livestream.

There’s banter with the viewers, like someone asking how long JoJo has been trying to pull the Sword in the Stone. JoJo answers, “Too long. Way too long.”

At one point JoJo realizes his phone was on Do Not Disturb and he missed a call. Later we find out that Jete was supposed to be an in-person guest on this livestream, and the call was him wanting the apartment gate opened. JoJo doesn’t show much concern that his friend drove there but couldn’t get in because of JoJo’s carelessness.

Other things that JoJo talks about:

  • He says the new The New Little Mermaid Trailer is so much fun, it gave him chills.
  • He mentions the news that Merida is leaving her meet and great, but Moana and Mirabel meet and greets are being added at Walt Disney World.
  • He wants to continue being a YouTuber as long as he can. He hopes to remain relevant until the Mario Land opens at Universal Orlando.
  • His mom and sister are coming in April.
  • About the Dreamers clothing he and Kyle tried to sell, JoJo says that he and Kyle got busy. “We bit more than we could chew, for sure.”

JoJo does several polls for the livestream viewers. The first asks what the viewers favorite Disney World park is. At 30%, Hollywood Studios is first. Magic Kingdom is second, and Animal Kingdom last. JoJo says, “Hollywood studios is my favorite park too. That’s dope, guys.” He also polls how many people like Ursula, and if Wednesday is a good time for livestreams.

Eventually, JoJo gets to the actual purpose of this livestream, a Tokyo Disneyland Q&A. He solicits questions from viewers about his trip.

Reponses to questions include the following:

  • JoJo’s favorite part about Tokyo Disneyland is the roaming characters and being able to interact with them. He also liked that it was a new park to him.
  • He found Google Translate to be a “lifesaver” in dealing with the language barrier.
  • If he goes back, what he would differently is give himself more time to do it all, like two weeks, including giving himself a rest day.
  • His favorite character experience was with Gaston (played by his friend Jed). JoJo wishes he had met Aladdin. He went to Aladdin’s area three time, but didn’t see him.
  • He thinks the food at the Tokyo parks is better than Walt Disney World, but Disneyland Anaheim is the best.
  • He felt safe 100% of the time while in Japan. Everyone is so respectful. JoJo says he felt bad talking to Jete on public transportation, because of the custom of the locals not to speak. Apparently, JoJo did it anyway.
  • He recommends 3 to 4 days to see the two Disney parks. He also recommends adding a flex day, to increase the chance of getting the opportunity in the park’s show lottery system to see the show you want to see.
  • When asked about the park rules regarding vlogging, JoJo said people can vlog but they have to more mindful of other guests than they do in America.

The last hour of the 2.5 hour vlog is mainly JoJo’s ordeal in ordering delivery from Taco Bell, but it’s also focused on what he should do to celebrate when he gets to one million subscribers.

When told he will soon surpass Tim Tracker in the number of subscribers, he asks who is the most subscribed Disney YouTube channel. He says he intends to take the title. He acknowledges that a huge share of his subscribers are from his YouTube Shorts, not from his Disney vlogs.

For the one millions celebration, someone suggests having a group cruise with fans, but JoJo is unsure of the idea. He thinks it might be overwhelming for him. He does a poll to see what people think of other ideas, and the number one response is traveling to Disneyland Paris.

In addition to the Taco Bell situation and the one million celebration, JoJo responds to a variety of other questions and comments:

  • Asked about his second channel, JoJo again says he bit off more than he can chew, but he still intends to make it into something.
  • He’s reminded of the previous superchat that was given to him for taking Krista on a cruise.
  • He says he played saxophone when he was younger.
  • He claims he would like to do a charity livestream soon.
  • David Garcia again gives a very large superchat, causing JoJo to be unsure of how to respond. David offers to sponsor JoJo’s trip to Paris. JoJo says they’ll talk later. He says Paris is definitely happening.
  • Commenting about Texas, JoJo says he’s been to Fort Worth before. “Does anyone remember THOSE vlogs? Can’t find those anymore,” JoJo says. He is referring to the fact that he vlogged a trip to Fort Worth with former girlfriend Mel but that he took it down after their break up.

He creates a poll of several options and at the end of the poll, traveling to Disneyland Paris is the number one choice of people watching.

The Taco Bell delivery finally arrives. JoJo drags out the end of the livestream for a few more minutes, talking about his “JoJo’s World” Discord.

The history of the Discord has been reported online elsewhere. After JoJo said he wanted to build a community on Discord, a fan voluntarily built out JoJo’s existing Discord server, greatly, clearly spending a lot of time to do it. There was a lot of activity on the channels at first from all the fans who JoJo brought to the site. Then after a short while, JoJo did what JoJo always does. He just walked away and failed to honor his commitment to the new “community”. Without the star of the show, the chat activity dwindled to nothing.

In this livestream, JoJo states about the Discord, “It kind of went dark,” without explaining that he caused that. He also says, “I’m sad that I let it go to the wayside as much as I did,” while exhibiting no sadness at all. The worst thing that JoJo says is that he can’t remember the person’s name who did all the work. People who give to JoJo should know from this that not only will there not be appreciation, but that he won’t even remember who you are.


This vlog is now only available to JoJo’s World channel members.

by Angela Tortelli



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