JoJo’s World: Tokyo Airport

JoJo and Jete arrive at Japan’s Haneda International Airport, where JoJo is in awe at being in a foreign country. After all the “hustle and bustle” getting to Japan, JoJo says he doesn’t mind taking his time in the airport. First he has to find Jete, who was in coach while JoJo flew first class. JoJo finds Jete, who tells JoJo that his experience on the flight was awesome. Jete says a flight he took from New York to Los Angeles was worse than this one.

Jete mentions that he has Cricket wireless and he doesn’t know if he has service in Japan. JoJo, in his post-trip narration, advises viewers that when they go on an international trip, to make sure that talk to their wireless provider about their international plans. It can be assumed that Jete’s Cricket service didn’t work. For himself, JoJo says he paid Verizon $10 a day extra in order to use their international plan.

Whole New World:

“I have never been international like this. Of course, I’ve gone to Hawaii, which is still technically America. Canada. I’ve gone on cruises that brings me to different locations, but this is the first place where I’m just… in a whole new world, where like English isn’t the primary language, where there’s whole different customs.”

~ JoJo

Throughout the airport, JoJo references the language barrier. For example, he couldn’t read why a restroom was closed. Also, he and Jete had to pantomime to communicate to the airport staff where they were going. JoJo says he intends to learn some Japanese words and phrases while on the trip.

They are ready to leave and head to their Airbnb, but JoJo says they are making “loops” through the airport because they’re lost and don’t know where to go. Compounding their confusion is that they hadn’t planned ahead of time for how to get from the airport to their Airbnb. Jete says their options are bus, train, Uber, taxi or (jokingly) another plane. JoJo looks up Uber, but decides it’s too expensive. They check out the buses and decide that’s the way to go. It will be about a 50 minute ride.

They walk to the bus station, but they have a few minutes to kill. Although Jete is exhausted from the flight, they go check out some nearby stores. They return to the bus loading area in time to get on board. On the bus, JoJo notes how quiet the transportation is with no one talking. They arrive at their destination, but JoJo says it will be in the next vlog that he shows them finding their Airbnb and exploring the city.

At the end of the video, JoJo, post-trip, gives teasers about the upcoming Tokyo vlog series.


by Angela Tortelli



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