JoJo’s World: The Burj Khalifa

JoJo and Jake wake up late after partying until 4am the previous night. They drive from their hotel to the Dubai Mall, which is one of the world’s largest. The temperature outside is 103 degrees with 49% humidity, making it feel like 118 degrees.

The mall is huge with multiple levels and has an ice skating rink and an aquarium inside. After looking around the mall for a while, JoJo concludes that one could easily spend multiple days exploring the mall.

They go to the nearby Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, and purchase VIP tickets to visit the “At the Top” observation deck. Jake lists the VIP ticket benefits: unlimited pastries, unlimited drinks, access to a higher level, a personal tour guide and free access to the aquarium. The total cost for the tickets is $210.

JoJo and Jake take the elevator ride up to the 154th floor and feel the change in air pressure along the way. At the top, at “The Lounge,” JoJo gets complimentary juice and looks out the window in awe, exclaiming “Whoa, I’m freaking out. Oh, I’m like, I’m like, grabbing the wall here. Oh, I don’t want to get closer.” Jake says his knees are shaking from being up so high.

Though scared at first being so high up, JoJo gets more comfortable after walking around. They go down to the 153rd floor where there is seating and complimentary finger food. Jake samples the food and declares the ratatouille snack is the best. JoJo admits he didn’t expect to spend so much time there but he’s happy to relax and enjoy the views and amenities.

They go down one more floor to the 152nd floor and its outdoor observation deck. The deck has a low glass wall around it but otherwise is open to the sky. The venture outside onto it and JoJo says nervously, “This is so scary. I’m so scared.” JoJo holds his camera out over the edge to record video looking straight down.

JoJo declares it was a good decision to purchase the VIP ticket package. They were 50/50 about it at first, but feel it ended up being worth it.

They take the elevator down to the 148th floor where there is another lounge and observation deck. This deck is more enclosed and JoJo feels safer with the additional glass barrier. They also visit the more crowded 125th floor observation deck, which is the basic package area. There, they use a digital telescope to view the World Islands in the distance.

JoJo advises people to visit before 4 or 5pm to avoid the crowds who arrive later to see the sunset. Finally, they head back down and visit the aquarium, using their free tickets from the VIP package.

by Angela Tortelli



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