JoJo’s World: Super Nintendo World

The vlog starts off immediately with manipulation of the viewers, with video of JoJo close to crying, or as he calls it, having a “mental breakdown”. The crying scene relates to the “something very bad” that JoJo mentioned in his DisneySea livestream. It’s what he’s been teasing for views ever since. After five seconds of that scene, the video cuts to post-trip JoJo in his room, laughing about his “breakdown” and telling viewers not to worry (which is a huge presumption). He says he will talk about what happened at the end of the video (and so use it to get viewers to keep watching).

Getting back to the actual point of the vlog, JoJo talks about his trip from Tokyo to Osaka to visit Universal Studios Japan (USJ). He says he and Jete had to take a bullet train to get there and it was expensive (he says over a $140 one-way). JoJo was intimidated by the thought of traveling on it but eventually found it easy to do. He says he was surprised by how fast it went, but still allowed him to see different areas of Japan. He says it blew his mind every time he saw Mount Fuji.

By this point in the vlog, it’s clear that the video from Japan is unusual. It’s all voice-over, and it’s not from JoJo’s POV, but rather from Jete’s, and JoJo is in front of the camera instead of behind it.

Continuing the voice-over, JoJo says the train let them off at Universal Studios City Walk. He says it’s his new favorite spot to be, due to how cool it looks. They go from there into USJ, and JoJo notes that in some ways it’s very similar to Universal Studios in Orlando. He points out a similar city street and the Harry Potter land.

However, visiting Super Nintendo World was their goal. They entered the themed area and JoJo describes the highlights of what he saw.

They headed first to the Mario Kart: Koopa’s Challenge attraction. JoJo says, “They simulated one of the most iconic games from my childhood. You know we had to go on it.” JoJo says he spent about 40 minutes in the entry queue, purposely lingering there to see all the decorative elements that relate to the games.

When they got to boarding the ride, JoJo says the ride confused him, since the instructions were in Japanese and he had “no idea what was going on.” He found that the ride requires the use of goggles. “What’s really cool is the technology, because it’s virtual reality, and reality mixed in,” he explains. JoJo ends up giving the ride a 7 out of 10. He says, “It’s sick though, it’s sick,” because “it’s a hyped up Toy Story Mania, honestly” that requires riding it multiple times to learn how to play it well and to learn what the secrets for getting a high score.

The second ride was Yoshi’s Adventure. JoJo explains, “It’s a slow-moving ride. It just allows you to see the whole park from a cool perspective. At the end of the day, a PeopleMover, just moves a lot slower.”

Since JoJo was “hangry” by then, it was time to eat at Kinopio’s Cafe, and JoJo says the food there was amazing. He says he spilled his drink at the restaurant and shows video of his soaking wet lap.

They spent the rest of the day exploring the remainder of USJ, including Jaws (“I got super scared by the shark!”), Jurassic Park, and Minion Park. In Jurassic Park, he mentions “Jurassic Park – The Ride” and the roller coaster. About the coaster he says, “It kind of scared the living heck out of me. I thought I was having like a heart attack on it. It was a pretty serious ride.”

Toward the end of the vlog, the video switches to normal, which is JoJo holding his own camera and speaking to it, along with Jete. JoJo does an outro from USJ and then the vlog cuts back to the almost crying scene from the beginning of the vlog. Post-trip JoJo then explains what happened. Most of the footage shown in this vlog is from Jete. JoJo says he lost his SD card that had his video of the day plus video from other days. He says he realized he lost it while on the return trip to Tokyo.

JoJo went to the train’s restroom and there he claims he experienced a “panic attack” and “borderline crying” due to the loss. While experiencing his “panic attack”, JoJo recorded himself almost crying, certainly for content, but as he claims, “It wasn’t for attention. I didn’t go like, ‘yo, I’m gonna film this and like let you guys feel bad for me.’ I just truly felt like the world was caving in.” There’s no way to know what’s true regarding his motivation for recording himself almost crying on the floor of a train restroom.

JoJo states that the missing video includes the second day at Tokyo Disneyland, the first day at DisneySea, the stay at the Disneyland hotel, and the day at USJ. He extended his stay in Japan to get more video to make up for what was lost, but “this was the hardest thing to get over. Even the next couple days I wasn’t okay with the fact that I lost all of this footage.” We could see, however, that he bounced back the next morning in his livestream from DisneySea. JoJo says he still has several more Tokyo trip vlogs on the way, and then inserts video of “five more seconds of me crying”, but, you know, not for attention or sympathy.

JoJo at Universal Studios Japan


by Angela Tortelli
