JoJo’s World: Sneak Peek Aladdin

JoJo is in Disney’s Hollywood Studios, excited to see a preview of the movie Aladdin. The preview is currently being shown at the Walt Disney theater. The movie will be released to the public May 24th.

In talking about the movie, JoJo tells viewers that people tell him that he looks like Aladdin.

JoJo meets up with original Austin and Hayleigh to see the preview. Hayleigh has a fixed smile as she converses with JoJo but the forced cordiality seems to indicate that she’s not in the mood to deal with JoJo at the moment. He says he likes her dress and she corrects him, telling him it’s not a dress.

Inside the building, JoJo does see an actual dress, a costume from the movie. He says it’s kind of cool, but a Dumbo figure from the movie Dumbo (displayed there for a previous preview) was cooler.

After the preview, JoJo says he liked it a lot. The Dumbo preview left him not particularly interested, but this preview makes him want to see the movie.

Two thumbs up Aladdin:

“It looked really good. So anyone who’s like doubting the movie, don’t worry. You can trust my professional opinion. It’s gonna be an amazing movie. I said it right here.”

~ JoJo

Next, they go to Star Tours. JoJo sees the Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple underway and mentions that there may be auditions for it soon. He says he would love to do that.

They find out that Star Tours attraction has a 40 minute wait so they decide to skip it. Instead they go to Baseline Tap House, where they get drinks and a pretzel.

Next is Toy Story Mania. Hayleigh lets Austin ride with JoJo so the guys can compete. Austin says to viewers they should give a thumbs down for him to win. JoJo says no, that he, JoJo, has enough self-esteem issues in his life. As they come up to Mr. Potato Head in the queue, JoJo tells viewers they should watch his vlog that had his conversation with the animatronic.

JoJo wins the match and he yells loudly to celebrate. When they leave the ride vehicle, Hayleigh collects Austin. She ignores JoJo until he shouts at her, asking if she’s proud of him. She briefly turns around with a forced smile and gives a polite thumbs up.

At the end of the vlog, JoJo spends time talking with a family he becomes enthralled with, along with the photographer who is taking their picture. The last shot is of JoJo, Austin and Hayleigh in the path of bubbles from a bubble blower. “It’s a bubble party out here!” JoJo exclaims.

[3/5]  Worth it to see Hayleigh’s reactions to JoJo. JoJo’s impression from the Aladdin preview makes it seem like the movie will be good.

by Angela Tortelli



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