JoJo’s World: Signing the New Tron Ride

JoJo Crichton signing the new Tron Ride in Magic Kingdom

JoJo goes to Magic Kingdom before work for a special event. Disney is giving cast members the opportunity to sign a piece of the new Tron ride that’s under construction.

After vlogging the Main Street Philharmonic playing in Storybook Circus, JoJo heads to Tomorrowland, where he meets up with original Austin. They go backstage where there’s a large black column that’s to be used in the Tron ride. It’s now covered with cast member signatures and JoJo kneels down and adds his name, “JoJo Crichton”, on the column. When leaving, he says toward the attraction banner, “See you in 2021,” which is a reference to when the ride is expected to open.

Leaving a Mark:

“This is crazy. Now I get a chance to sign my name, and honestly, guys, this is kind of mind blowing, cause this is going to be in the park forever, honestly. So, kind of very humbling and makes me really happy that I’m here working in Disney.”

~ JoJo

JoJo and Austin leave backstage and go to the Town Square area. They find the Festival of Fantasy Parade is underway. JoJo says it’s the first time he’s seen the parade from that spot, the northwest corner of the square. He’s super excited to watch the parade. “What a great day already,” he tell Austin.

After that, Austin has Fastpasses for Big Thunder Mountain. “Tron, parade, Big Thunder Mountain, what a great way to start the day before work. I’m so blessed to be here and I love it,” JoJo exclaims.

In the queue at Big Thunder Mountain, JoJo starts talking at a group of guests. They are puzzled both by him pointing his camera phone at them and him trying to engage with them. They are in a parallel line and JoJo tells them that if he gets on the ride before they do, then he and Austin picked the right line. JoJo supposes they are thinking, “Why is this random guy pointing a camera in my face?” (Why, indeed?)

After the ride is over, the pair go to Tom Sawyer’s Island. JoJo claims it’s a first for him. The main reason they go there is to try Aunt Polly’s, a quick service that’s seasonal and rarely open. Only after they get on the island, they find out Aunt Polly’s is closed for the day and will only be open that week. They don’t explore the island, since JoJo has to go to work soon, but he says he wants to come back to see everything.

JoJo and Austin walk by the Club 33 in Adventureland and JoJo asks for any of his viewers who are members to take him there. The video ends with the usual valediction, but there’s an extra clip at the end, showing JoJo eating dinner with Kyle and Kyle’s roommate Austin.

[2/5]  Signing a piece of the Tron ride is interesting and noteworthy, but watching Festival of Fantasy and riding Big Thunder Mountain is mundane. Trying Aunt Polly’s would have been interesting and worthwhile, but going to going to Tom Sawyer’s Island and turning around after finding that Aunt Polly’s is closed provides nothing for the vlog.

by Angela Tortelli


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