JoJo’s World: Second Time at Cozumel

Virgin Voyages’ Scarlet Lady has docked at Cozumel, and JoJo and J discuss their plans for the day. JoJo says that when he was at Cozumel before, it was his first time there and his first cruise and he was apprehensive about exploring. He and J agree that he should do something in Cozumel this time. Still, JoJo indicates he and J will go their separate ways, but may meet up at some point.

After he eats breakfast, JoJo disembarks and spends a little time looking at the port area. He sees a Señor Frog’s and a Hooters (he claims he’s never been to a Hooters), but he doesn’t go there. Instead, JoJo gets on a ferry to go to Playa del Carmen. It takes about 30 minutes in all to get there. At Playa del Carmen, JoJo looks around and describes it this way: “This is like a whole… area.”

In a store, JoJo runs into someone he met on the ship, Brett, who is shopping for a swimsuit. They go to beach although JoJo hadn’t planned on it. He said as a kid he hated sand. “I was like Anakin Skywalker,” he says.

They stop at a beach bar called Dick and Willy’s. JoJo won’t say the name aloud. JoJo spends some time at the beach and dips his feet in the ocean, but he says doesn’t want to get his hair wet so that he can keep it looking good.

He sees another Señor Frog’s and feels the need to walk in to check it out. He says it’s a lot more tame than the one in the Bahamas he likes.

JoJo gets back on the ferry to Cozumel. He talks about how rocky the boat feels and says it feels like a theme park ride. JoJo even shows the rocking by recording himself in the restroom mirror. He advises people who take the ferry to take Dramamine if they are prone to motion sickness.

At Cozumel, JoJo goes to meet J at a bar. It was about a 5 to 10 minute walk from the dock and JoJo says that J told him that Cozumel has a low crime rate. JoJo acknowledges that he and Kyle Pallo didn’t venture into Mexico much the last time. He finds J and J teases him about thinking it was dangerous.

After getting a drink, JoJo asks J if he is allowed to jump into the ocean. J says, “Bro feel free, be free,” and tells him to dive with style. JoJo asks if he can pencil dive and J says, yes, it’s deep enough. JoJo jumps in. “J! I’m in the ocean!” JoJo exclaims. Together they do some underwater swimming with goggles.

JoJo returns to the ship and takes a nap. When he gets up, he goes out on the ship to eat dinner, listen to a band, and watch some of the show “Duel Reality”, an acrobatics show. JoJo asks J what they should do next and J says drinking and partying. Back in his room, JoJo mentions to the vlog that he had done a poll on Instagram asking if should go to bed or stay up. The result was “stay up”, so then JoJo shows clips of his night of partying.

At the end of the vlog, JoJo says he lost his wrist band. He goes to guest services and a person there takes care of it.


by Angela Tortelli



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