JoJo’s World: Scarlet Lady Last Day

This is a two part vlog. The first part is JoJo’s last full day on the Scarlet Lady, and the second part is JoJo giving his overall review the ship.

On the last day, JoJo goes to Virgin Voyages’ private beach club at Bimini, in the Bahamas. JoJo likes that it doesn’t cost extra. Also, he likes that there is a lot of area to relax in and socialize. Because there is only one ship there at a time, it makes it less crowded. “I think half the fun of Virgin Voyages is the fact that you can relax around a bunch of other adults and get to know new people,” he says. He also praises the entertainment and food. In addition to relaxing, JoJo plays some volleyball with people he met on the cruise.

When he returns to the ship, JoJo spends time talking to people. “There is something about the vibe on this whole Virgin Voyages ship, the Scarlet Lady, where people were really willing to just stop what they’re doing and take the time to talk to you about what they’re eating, what they’re doing, what they’re smoking (like cigars, mind you), but that’s all we did for the next couple of hours and I had a blast,” he comments. JoJo says he talked so much that he started to lose his voice.

Taking a break from talking, JoJo and J played basketball. They also took time to ride a seesaw. “I think I haven’t been on a seesaw since I was like five or six,” JoJo says

Later, JoJo eats dinner andgoes to the “Untitled Danceshow Partything”. He says the show was described to him as “‘I feel like I’m taking drugs.’” JoJo agrees that the show is “very out there”. He says he was able to get some of the show, but he was also like “Why is there a cat talking to me?” If nothing else, he liked the dancing and choreography.

The next morning, JoJo gets up early to disembark and take his flight back to Orlando. He says he liked the cruise so much that he booked another Virgin Voyages cruise to leave in two days.

Adults only cruising:

“More often than not, it was the small things for me: not seeing kids run around in the hallways, not having kids jump into the hot tub and start splashing around while you’re trying to enjoy a drink or seeing a group of 30 kids playing hide and go seek at eight o’clock at night while you’re getting ready to go to the club.”

~ JoJo

The second half of the vlog is a review of the cruise, and the first thing JoJo addresses is it being adults only and how it has a different atmosphere than other cruises. He mentions that there are more explicit words and music and more mature entertainment. He says it would be a nice breather with one’s spouse, away from their kids.

Regarding the food, JoJo gives it a 9 out of 10. “They have really, really amazing restaurants with amazing food and amazing drinks,” he states. He likes that all the restaurants are included in the price of the cruise, and compares it to Disney, where for some restaurants you have to pay an upcharge. JoJo says there are “treat yourself” options on Virgin to upgrade some menu items, but he never felt the need to since what he had was delicious. He really likes the Pink Agave restaurant and the corn he had there. Also, Gunbae, with its Korean barbecue. He says the food on board is up there with Royal and Disney, and it beats Carnival for sure.

About his room, JoJo says he loved it and that it was the most comfortable room he ever slept in, even though he was sharing it with another person. He likes that the beds were split in an L formation instead of side by side, providing more breathing space. He also praises the technology in the room, which includes an iPad that controls the lighting, the music, the TV, and the curtains. His room had a terrace and JoJo recommends that people get one. He enjoyed the hammock on the terrace, saying it’s a good place to enjoy a mai tai or drink water for a hangover.

JoJo says the ship is on the smaller side, but they use the space well. He mentions that on board they have an arcade room, ice cream parlor, pizza place, bars, a karaoke station, a tattoo parlor, and a casino. On the top desk is a gym, basketball court, bars and a play park. He liked that it was easy to get around.

The pool was a letdown though. JoJo says it’s very small and with so many people, not much space. He explains, “It seems that it’s meant more for just twerking and dancing and showing what you got.” He heard that the water was “murky”, but it didn’t bother him. There were also hot tubs, but still, the small pool was the biggest letdown on the ship.

JoJo says that the best thing about the ship (or the worst, depending on what kind of person you are) is the entertainment. He says the entertainment is mature, but beyond that, it’s “unhinged”. He says “you got girls twerking on each other, you got drag queens, you have men fully stripping and grinding on other men in the crowds, which is hilarious, and personally, I love that.” However, he believes there are people who are older than him who might not like it.

During the daytime, JoJo says the cruise line is expecting people to be hungover from partying the night before, so they have small events, like wine and beer tasting, scavenger hunts, and trivia. At night, they have live performances and an all-night casino. On the first night was a pajama party and then a club every other night. What JoJo liked best about the entertainment is that passengers actively participated in it. He gives the entertainment a 9 out of 10.

Overall, JoJo gives the ship an 8.5 out of 10.


by Angela Tortelli



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