JoJo’s World: Santorini

This is the third in JoJo’s vlog series about traveling to Greece and going on the “MerMaiden” voyage of Virgin Voyages’ ship Resilient Lady. The cruise is for seven nights and is called the “Greek Island Glow” cruise.

On this day, JoJo and Jete arrive at the Greek island of Santorini. They take a tender boat to the port and there they’re faced with a decision: how to get from the port to the town on the cliff high above them. They can take the funicular, which JoJo doesn’t want to wait in line for, ride a donkey, or walk to the top using the donkey path. JoJo says, “You can just walk up there somehow, which you know, we’re young, we’re spry, I think we can do that.” With that, they make the decision to walk.

They quickly find that they have to try to avoid the donkeys going up and down the path, but JoJo says, “Other than the steps being covered in poop, this is not bad. Just watch where you’re walking and take it nice and slow.” Eventually, after JoJo realizes that “this is starting to get a little taxing,” they do regret their decision to walk and JoJo advises viewers, “If you guys ever do this, get to Greece early so you don’t have to get chased by donkeys.”

After the hot and tiring hike, they finally make it up to the town of Fira. It’s situated on a volcano, with many restaurants, bars, and shops. JoJo notices right away that all the buildings seem to be painted white and asks viewers to let him know why.

As they walk through the town, they see a beautiful flower wall and a scenic narrow walkway that they use as backdrop for Instagram pictures.

They shop in the stores and at the Maistros Boutique in Fira, JoJo finds a jacket he declares is “the coolest thing ever. It’s a jacket with a Mickey Mouse design on the back. However, at 145 euros, he thinks it’s “kind of expensive”. He doesn’t want to have to carry it around for the rest of the day, so he says he might come back for it later.

Ready for some drinks, they go into a wine bar, Stoa. The bartender tells them about Malagousia white wine, which was almost extinct in 1983 and so JoJo and Jete decide to try it. The bartender also serves them bar snacks, and for some reason JoJo and and Jete are amazed by that. It inspires Jete to say, “In Greece we’ve had just like phenomenal service. We just didn’t expect it.” As they get ready to leave, JoJo notes that their drinks and bar snacks cost only 32 euros and they got a history lesson to boot.

J joins them at the wine bar and they resume the exploration of the shopping and dining area. JoJo decides to buy a “Santorini” tank top shirt for 13 euros and wear it because of the heat. JoJo also decides to go back and buy the 145 euro jacket. “Like I can’t wait, next September, to be walking down Disney’s Hollywood Studios with the jacket on. I’m gonna feel pretty cool,” he says with much anticipation.

Next the group decides to eat, and they go Pelican Kipos Cafe Wine Restaurant for more wine and some seafood. JoJo notes that it looks like a greenhouse. JoJo gets steamed mussels, J gets swordfish, and Jete goes for the seafood pasta. A dessert comes with the meal, and JoJo is again amazed at such a thing.

After dinner, Jete leads the trio to some non-tourist spot where there is some new housing construction. Jete suggests that JoJo could buy a place on the island with his YouTube earnings. JoJo claims he doesn’t have that kind of money, but J corrects him, saying “He’s a liar. He has that kind of money.” Called out, JoJo laughs it off.

They stop at a cliffside outdoor lounge for another round of drinks, and then do some final shopping. Jete gets a jacket and JoJo gets some white pants. JoJo wears the pants and says, “I came to Santorini in one outfit, and everything has changed since and I love it. These pants are so comfy.” JoJo estimates that he spent about $300 in total on Santorini.

With time running out, they take the funicular down to the port to get the tender back to the ship. The party isn’t over back on board, as they attend a three-hour show called “Lola’s Library.” JoJo likes it, saying, “Gosh darn, the crowd participation was amazing, the dancers were absolutely amazing, all of them.”

[5/5] This is excellent coverage of arriving at Santorini by cruise ship, getting up to the town on the rim of the volcano, and shopping and dining in the town of Fira. It’s a great video for anyone preparing for a cruise that includes Santorini.   

by Angela Tortelli



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