JoJo’s World: Riding Every Ride SeaWorld

Early in the morning, JoJo and his friend Jete arrive at SeaWorld with the goal of riding every ride in one day. They’re joined by Farris and Farris’ friend Kevin Mendez, who are very enthusiastic about the challenge. Kevin suggests that they set a goal of accomplishing it all within two hours. Farris says that’s impossible.

At 9:20am, the group starts a timer and dashes to the first ride, Manta. With its aquarium window, JoJo finds the queue for it to be dope. JoJo records other people in queue who are looking at him, as he is pointing his camera at them and talking very loudly, disturbing their experience. After only 23 minutes, for a posted 40 minute wait, they board the ride. Afterward JoJo declares, “I loved that ‘Disney World ride’. One of the best, you know?”

Next up is Kraken, which has a short 10 minute wait time. JoJo proclaims this rollercoaster as “one of my top ten ‘Universal rides’”.

Afterward, Jete wants very much to stop and get something to eat, but JoJo tells him unsympathetically, “You should have eaten before you got here! You’ve done this too many times by now!”

The group thinks about going on Journey to Atlantis, but the ride is down. Jete suggests again that it would be a good opportunity to get food, but JoJo bats him down again, explaining, “There’s literal lines to get food. This is why we can’t do it man. I’m sorry.” JoJo then adds, unconvincingly, “You know I do care about you to some degree.”

They make a quick stop at the penguin exhibit to look at the penguins and to cool off from the heat. Jete reminisces about his former job at SeaWorld (at the restaurant Voyager’s Smokehouse) before he worked at Disney. He says he almost became a manager there.

Next is Mako, which has a 40 minute wait. In the queue, Jete makes it clear that he’s hungry and thirsty. JoJo says they “may” get Jete some water. After the ride, Farris is also needing water and JoJo finds he can’t stop them from getting it now that Farris has joined the call. They make a pit stop for all of them to get hydrated. JoJo drinks some water and says, “It was actually needed. I got so caught up in the adventure and the mission that I forgot about myself.” Jete laughs at the thought that there is ever a time that JoJo isn’t focused on himself.

Back on the mission, they go to Sunny Day Carousel. Since it’s early in the day, there aren’t many people riding it yet, JoJo remarks. They soldier through rides like Elmo’s Choo Choo Train, Big Bird’s Twirl ‘N’ Whirl (where Jamari joins them), Slimey’s Slider, Abby’s Flower Tower, and Cookie Drop, which breaks down right before they board. Super Grover’s Box Car Derby is also down and is skipped.

Jete notes that “the feels-like today for weather: 97 degrees. We’re doing this in 100 degree weather for you all, with no water!” JoJo laughs, “With no water.”

Before leaving Sesame Street, JoJo makes the group go meet Cookie Monster and Rosita. JoJo apologizes to Cookie Monster for not bringing him any cookies. The gang has a good time taking photos with the Muppets.

They resume the quest at Infinity Falls, which thoroughly soaks them. The water provides relief from the intense Florida heat.

JoJo is concerned with the possibility of lightning moving into the area and shutting down rides. They ride the Ice Breaker before it shuts down, even though it’s raining. JoJo says the rain hitting their face hurt.

They intend to ride out the weather by taking a break at Flamecraft Bar. There with drink in hand, Jete summarizes the day: “JoJo says, ‘Yeah, we’re doing all rides video. It’s gonna be quick. Take a little bit of your day,’ and we come in here we get drinks, we stop to go see Cookie Monster. It’s unbelievable, man, it’s never like you said.”

The weather clears and the friends board SeaWorld’s newest rollercoaster, Pipeline. It’s a standing coaster, and JoJo says he has ridden on one before at Six Flags and he didn’t like because it hurt his crotch. He appears to have a good time on Pipeline though. Jete may have felt pain in the same place that JoJo did, as he exclaims, “Oh my chicken tenders!”

The last ride is Journey to Atlantis, which has very long wait. As they get to the boarding area, the ride is shut down. Apparently, they plead with staff members who for some reason allow them to ride.

It took them almost 5 hours in total to ride all the SeaWorld attractions, which exceeded their goal of two hours. Nevertheless, they accomplished the goal despite a few detours and wrenches thrown in.

It probably goes without saying, but JoJo used his phone camera to record on rides, even though SeaWorld prohibits loose articles like phones on rides. It’s often a lie when JoJo claims that he follows park rules. The second lie is when he claims that he speaks softly in attractions and doesn’t impact other people. The evidence is clear in his own videos of countless occasions where park guests turn to look/glare at him because he is talking loudly and including them in his recording.


by Angela Tortelli


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