JoJo’s World: Resilient Lady Casino

JoJo Crichton at the Resilient Lady casino

It’s Jete and JoJo’s last day on Virgin Voyages’ Resilient Lady. JoJo starts the vlog by telling viewers they partied a lot the previous night and he’s feeling tired. He also teases a big announcement at the end of the video.

They apparently don’t do much during the day, as JoJo just shows them having lunch and walking outside on the deck and then having dinner at Gunbae, a Korean barbecue restaurant.

For their evening entertainment, the two decide to spend their last night on the ship in the casino. They intend to try their luck at slots and blackjack.

JoJo tells Jete, “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while. I want you to make me money.” Jete demurs, insisting that he won’t do OF, yet. JoJo tells Jete that it would be a successful venture for him, although he, JoJo, wouldn’t subscribe to it. JoJo follows that with, “but if you needed…” and then abruptly switches to his plan to give Jete $50 to gamble with.

Before going to the casino, Jete and go on a shopping spree, spending their remaining cruise credit on merchandise from the ship’s store. After that, they check out the final night, “We Fancy”, party in the Manor nightclub.

Leaving the club, they meet up with J at the casino. It’s there that JoJo finds out that he could have used his ship credit to gamble with instead of buying so much merchandise at the store. Still, JoJo continues with the plan and gives Jete $50 to gamble with.

Jete chooses to put the money at Blackjack and manages to break even. JoJo then tries his own hand at the slots. He quickly burns through $25, rapidly pressing the play button over and over instead of waiting to see the results between spins. JoJo tries to change his luck by going to a different machine but loses another $25 there. There’s more excitement with the second $25 though, as JoJo appears to get close to winning a $9000 jackpot before spinning away all his cash except for a few cents.

Putting the slots behind him, JoJo gives the rest of his money to Jete to go back to the blackjack table. Jete manages to double his $50, but JoJo decides that Jete should let it ride. They end up losing it all.

People who work hard for their money would hate to lose it, but since JoJo just skates through life, it doesn’t faze him.

Ending their night at the casino, JoJo reveals a big announcement: they are going to Disneyland Paris. They will spend a night in Athens, where they will edit some videos, and then fly out to Paris.

[2/5] You can learn how one of the slot machine games is played, from the instruction provided by a spectator who was explaining it to JoJo. Other than that, the video is JoJo throwing away money.

by Angela Tortelli



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