JoJo’s World: Ranking Disney Parks

JoJo is at Disneyland Paris on his last day there and he’s going to explore areas outside the parks. He starts at Disney Village and his first stop is the World of Disney store. Doing some shopping, he looks for a souvenir that’s Disneyland Paris specific and is small enough to fit in his luggage. He settles on a Disneyland Paris 30th anniversary keychain. He’s amused by the fact that there isn’t much merchandise for the other Disney anniversary, Disney’s 100th.

After leaving the store, JoJo stops at a snack stand where he buys a “vanilla blue” macaron. He declares it to be “absolutely delicious” and he could eat six more of them.

Going into the Disney Store, JoJo says it’s very retro and “It’s honestly giving me ‘Disney Store in the mall’ vibes, like even the smell, the carpet.” JoJo continues his walk through the Village, looking into the Disney Fashion store and The LEGO® Store.

JoJo next turns his attention to the hotels on property and says he’s excited to see the Disney Hotel New York – The Art of Marvel. He mentions the statue of Black Panther in front. “He looks so freaking dope! Wakanda Forever! Oh my god, he’s so cool!” JoJo exclaims. He walks around outside the hotel, looking at the statues of Iron Man and Captain Marvel as well.

When JoJo enters the hotel, he finds Jete (aka showmelovejete). JoJo asks him how the rest of his night was the previous night and Jete replies that it’s not for the camera.

JoJo does a tour of the lobby and talks about how expensive per night it is to stay there. He sees so much Marvel IP on display that he exclaims, “It’s like a freaking museum in here!”

JoJo goes in the hotel’s Skyline Bar and gets a “Green Smash” Hulk inspired cocktail. Eschewing the various snacks on the menu with names in French, JoJo gets the beef jerky. It’s one of his favorite foods, so he knows his jerky and when he tries it, he says, “I could cry, such a tender cut. I wish they served beef jerky at every bar. Oh my gosh, that’s so good.”

JoJo doesn’t have to eat alone, as Jete joins him. JoJo share some of his jerky with him. “I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did,” JoJo tells Jete. Jete also gets a drink, one inspired by the purple Infinity Stone. He says because he recognized one of the ingredients in it. He rates it as one of the top three drinks he has had in Europe so far.

While sitting in the bar, they talk about their opinions of the Disney parks that they have been to. Jete ranks them as Tokyo number one, followed by WDW, then Disneyland, and Disneyland Paris. “It’s not that this is a bad park. It’s great. It’s just the fact that we’ve been to the other ones, I know which one’s better,” Jete explains.

They head to Hotel Sequoia Lodge next. It has a warm mood and is very relaxing, according to JoJo. Jete says that if he were to stay at a Disneyland Paris hotel, it would be this one, as he could “let all my worries go” in this serene place.

Their last stop is Hotel Newport Bay Club, which impresses them with its upscale yachting vibe.

After making the rounds of the different hotels, JoJo and Jete head back to their favorite, Sequoia Lodge. They go to the Redwood Bar and Lounge for JoJo to get a charcuterie board for their last dinner in Europe.

The lounge provides a spot for the duo to relax and reflect on their European adventure coming to an end. JoJo asks Jete what his favorite ride is at the Paris parks. He replies Ratatouille and Big Thunder Mountain. JoJo agrees with the latter, calling it the best Big Thunder mountain, hands down.

After they finish eating, they return to their Airbnb. Continuing the comparison of Disney parks, JoJo ranks all the Disney parks worldwide, putting WDW first (“it’s my home”), followed by Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland, and Disneyland Paris. He’s glad to have gone to all of them, saying, “Being able to have the opportunity to go to any park, nonetheless all these parks, is such a freaking blessing, and I don’t take it for granted.”

JoJo says that during one of the shows at Disneyland Paris, he started crying hearing Mickey Mouse speak in French. As he reflects on it, he says, “I’m here in Europe, listening to Mickey, ‘Je suis Mickey’, like, I was… so cool, it was so cool.”

They talk about how if this travel series does well, they would like to go to China next.


by Angela Tortelli



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