JoJo’s World: Presidents’ Day 2019

Off work for the day, JoJo announces that he’s about to go to the Hall of Presidents for Presidents’ Day. “How themed is that?” JoJo asks proudly. At Liberty Square, JoJo’s “home” and workplace, he talks with some of his co-workers, until Kyle Pallo, a fellow Disney vlogger, walks up and surprises him.

Apparently, they were supposed to meet up later in the day, but since they are both there already and since Kyle also has the idea of going to Hall of Presidents, they go into the attraction together. It’s a first time ever for JoJo to see the show. His focus seems to be more on Kyle, saying it’s fun just to watch the behind-the-scenes of Kyle recording a vlog. After the Hall of Presidents show, Kyle says he “loved every moment of it,” and JoJo says, “It was kind of wild.” They share a laugh about President Trump giving a thumbs up at the end.

JoJo asks, “What are we doing now?” and Kyle replies, “Check out the dance party.” JoJo likes the suggestion and, as usual, dances along with the Move It! Shake It! parade. JoJo again says that he’d like to be a part of it.

After that, the two watch Merida interact with kids and then they go to the Winnie the Pooh ride, which JoJo claims he has never ridden before. JoJo asks Kyle if he has seen the Tigger movie and comments that it’s such a sad movie.

From the heart… or somewhere:

“I want to say something really quick though. Alright, so when I first started watching JoJo‘s vlogs, I was actually, really like, wow, this guy’s really, really good, like I like your personality. Your personality is really good. You got this positive vibe that’s awesome.”

~ Kyle Pallo

After Pooh, they go to Big Thunder Mountain. Once again, JoJo cheats the system by using his cast member connection. “I got me and Kyle a FastPass somehow.” (That somehow is called cheating.) Outside the ride, Kyle attempts to give a testimonial to viewers about JoJo’s YouTube channel. It’s notably the first time in the vlog that Kyle isn’t acting really weird. JoJo is overcome and blurts, “Kyle, uh….”

In the BTM queue, Kyle returns to being weird by wearing his cap backwards but down over his eyes. JoJo tries to rationalize Kyle’s behavior by giving an imaginative excuse: “It’s hot out. That why his hat is like this. It’s to deflect the heat from his eyes.”

After the ride, JoJo introduces “Kyle’s number one fan,” Annika, to viewers. Kyle tries to find a hidden Mickey outside the restroom between Adventureland and Frontierland to show Annika. JoJo counters with a “fun fact”, saying that the restroom is the largest in Adventureland and it’s a pain to clean.

At Casey’s Corner, they do a mobile order. JoJo claims he has never eaten there before and gets the macaroni and cheese. Kyle ends up getting more than he thought, mistakenly ordering a foot long. Kyle shares the dog with Annika and they eat it together. Annika says it’s okay for $15. Kyle smilingly and cattily notes that it’s not her $15.

At the end, besides talking to some randos on Main Street, Kyle makes people “jump around”, which is one of his regular antics on his channel. They walk out of Magic Kingdom just as the fireworks are about to start.

[3/5]  This is a notable vlog because it’s a collaboration between the novice vlogger JoJo and the more experienced vlogger, Kyle Pallo. Kyle has been vlogging for several years, including vlogging his previous DCP. There are some fun moments as the two play off each other, although Kyle may put off some viewers by being an odd character. The vlog starts off with a good premise for a President’s Day vlog, but after Hall of Presidents, it quickly loses the plot.

by Angela Tortelli



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