JoJo’s World: Port Orleans Riverside

JoJo does a staycation at Port Orleans Riverside. At the resort, he says that he’s never stayed there before, but his mother and sister have, so he kind of knows the area already. JoJo walks to his room in the Alligator Bayou section and notes that the resort is tranquil and peaceful. He likes the design of the buildings and says they’re so home-y.

Before checking out the room, he says he wants to check out the lobby. As he walks the grounds on the way there, he says he likes the views and because the resort is so big, there’s plenty of places to walk around. JoJo recalls one area where he says that the last time he was there he saw a wedding.

Chill in the air:

“Even with all these people, there’s just so much chill in the air and it just… want to relax and grab a drink and kick up my feet.”

~ JoJo

JoJo continues on, looking at the resort amenities. At the main pool, Ol’ Man Island, he sees hammocks and says that he is scared to ever get in one. He does try it and says he feels very relaxed and will stay there a little while off camera. He also shows the Muddy Rivers poolside bar and a cornhole setup that JoJo describes as “that game where you toss things into the wood.”

Looking at a resort map, JoJo wonders if Port Orleans is a different resort (for the purpose of his challenge to stay at all Disney resorts). He also sees a horse drawn carriage and wishes he had known ahead of time that he could book one. He says he will do it the future. For this staycation, his one event is doing fishing the next morning.

JoJo goes into the main building at the resort and looks in the River Roost lounge. He sees the stage area and says that he guesses there are some performances there. Incredibly, he appears not to be aware that that is where the legendary Yehaa Bob performs.

In the store, is fascinated by the large figures of Disney characters that are on display. He’s mystified by the sight of Mickey’s nephews, Morty and Ferdie, and says he has never seen kid mice before, obviously not knowing who they are.

Having checked out the main building, JoJo goes to his room and does a room tour. He shows all the parts of the room and as usual, he does a bed check by jumping on it. JoJo apparently approves of the bed. “Oh god! It’s so good! Good night,” he says.

JoJo gets up and shows how much floor space there is in the room. He drags himself along the floor to show there is a lot of room for “activities”. He says he could have had a dance party there and regrets not inviting anyone to join him.

JoJo Crichton on the floor at Port Orleans Riverside
JoJo checking out the floor

That evening, JoJo takes the boat to Disney Springs. There he meets girlfriend Krista at Frontera Cochina for Valentine’s Day dinner. He’s wearing the same clothes he wore that afternoon to tour the resort, so not really treating the dinner as special.

After taking the boat back and going to bed, JoJo gets up the next morning and gets breakfast at the food court. He gives it a solid 7 out of 10.

The noverly of fishing:

“I can see the novelty of fishing, though. It’s about just relaxing, being in the moment, one could say. Get a little tan. It’s basically being at the beach, just, you know, you’re not. You’re fishing, but you get what I’m saying. Maybe one day I’ll catch a fish, but not today.”

~ JoJo

After breakfast, JoJo goes to fish at the Fishin’ Hole. He gets a cane pole and some bait, but doesn’t know what to do with them. He asks someone for help on how to bait the hook and how to lower the bobber down to the water.

As a wrap-up, JoJo says the resort is good but maybe not for everyone because it’s so big.

New fun fact about JoJo: he says he played saxophone for three months at some point in his life and then quit.

JoJo gone fishing


by Angela Tortelli


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