JoJo’s World: Pocahontas

In this vlog, JoJo celebrates both Earth Day and Animal Kingdom’s anniversary. That means he must have recorded it several weeks ago, on April 22nd. He had previously posted a dance video celebrating Earth Day, and that video was recorded at Magic Kingdom.

When JoJo arrives at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, he points out that there’s an event that day called “Party for the Planet”. He says there were a lot of things going on in the morning that he missed, but he’s still there to party for the planet.

Inside the park, he takes a moment to talk about a penguin sculpture made of recyclables, a testament to the park’s commitment to conservation and Disney’s financial support through the Disney Conservation Fund.

As he continues walking in the park, JoJo spots his friend Zane, who’s working in Custodial. JoJo tells viewers that Zane is “a different kind of celebrity.” JoJo describes Zane as an “OG” from before the DCP even started. He says they played video games and made some videos together. JoJo credits Zane for starting “JoJo’s World” because Zane made the title logo for the channel. Zane responds, “I do what I can. I’m just a part of JoJo’s World. I love this guy.”

JoJo gets to the Tree of Life and watches the macaws take flight in Winged Encounters. After that, he meets up with Kyle Pallo and Kyle’s Australian friend Taylor. They visit Otter Grotto and make some TikTok videos at the Tree of Life. “Trying something different,” Kyle explains about making content for a different platform.

JoJo brings Kyle into frame and tells viewers to look at Kyle’s shirt. Then JoJo oddly rubs Kyle’s upper chest. They have a habit of touching each other, at least on-camera.

Kyle’s roommate Austin Edwards appears, doing a livestream at the park. Austin joins the group.

After Kyle and JoJo go check out a character meet for Jiminy Cricket, the friends go to Flame Tree Barbecue. It’s the first time for JoJo. They get their food and JoJo says that a bird stole some of his, but that he’ll use that as the clickbait title for the vlog.

Next, they all go to A Bug’s Life. JoJo’s critique: “That ride, I mean I like it, but I don’t. Just, I don’t like getting touched in weird spots.” (Did Kyle?)

Then they see Pocahontas. JoJo gets a picture with her, although he doesn’t record the actual encounter. He just shows the picture that’s on his phone. Later, JoJo comes back and talks to her, but this time he captures it on camera.

Pocahontas talks about squirrels. She describes how one throws acorns at her and another steals people’s ice cream. JoJo apparently gets bored with her, since he asks his friends where they should go next while she’s still standing there. Kyle says Festival of the Lion King, and JoJo tries to invite her to come along, but she makes it clear that she’d rather be with her raccoons than with JoJo.

The vlog ends with JoJo and his friends watching The Lion King show. JoJo concludes the vlog by reminding his viewers that “every day is a blessed day to be alive.”

[2/5]  Talking to Pocahontas is the main event of the vlog and it’s cringe. Nothing else happens to make up for it.

by Angela Tortelli


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