JoJo’s World: New MacBook

To test his new MacBook setup, plus the concept of doing a chat session once a week or so, JoJo does a surprise YouTube livestream from his apartment. He has a new Apple 16″ MacBook Pro Max and he says it allows him to do livestreams from home. (Considering its cost, JoJo must be doing well for himself with YouTube money and people sending him cash.)

JoJo yells, saying he can talk as loud as he wants to at home. This is apparently in response to people who point out he’s obnoxious when he talks loudly in the parks (which he always denies doing). Later in the livestream, he says that his experience in Tokyo, where guests are more quiet than Americans, has caused him to be more quiet at Walt Disney World. (Yeah, we’ll see.)

One of the first topics that JoJo goes into is an explanation of how he lost his SD card in Japan. He says that guests at Universal Studios Japan are required to empty their pockets at some attractions. JoJo believes he lost the SD card in taking his things out of his pocket and putting them back in. He says the lost footage on the card is of the first day at DisneySea, the second day at Tokyo Disneyland, the day at Universal, a bullet train vlog, and his stay at the Tokyo Disneyland Resort. He says he delayed talking about the loss because it took him a while to be okay with it (although milking it for teasers may have been another reason).

The Purpose:

“So the goal of this is just, starting in the future, I’m going to be doing livestreams, hopefully maybe once a week, where we just get to chat and talk and we can go on the computer and watch different things, right, and just react and have fun and chill. Kind of make a little community.”

~ JoJo

Regarding his claimed “mental breakdown”, JoJo says that someone left a negative comment (which he deleted, as he and Kyle are known to do when faced with criticism) from someone who suggested that JoJo was using the term “mental breakdown” too loosely. JoJo, as expected, referred to his undergraduate degree in “counseling and human services” to try give credence to his self-diagnosis. He says he has five minutes (!) of video of himself crying, which most people would just call normal crying, but apparently with his expertise is evidence of a breakdown.

Besides collecting Super Chats, JoJo encourages people to buy his merch (his “sword in the stone” cap). He likes that the cap allowed him to be in partnership with his roommate Dan, who designed the emblem on the cap.

Goaded by people in the chat, JoJo calls Jete, who makes a cameo appearance by replying on Facetime. JoJo makes several comments about Jete in the livestream, like that someone sent $100 to Jete via JoJo’s P.O. Box. Also, that Jete being banned from WDW has allowed him and JoJo to experience a lot of non-WDW things together and that Jete met his girlfriend on the JoJo/Jete cruise. People ask if JoJo can pull strings to get Jete unbanned and JoJo says that besides not having that power, “after the last hurricane, I’m chilling.” This is apparently a reference to the negative reaction that he and Kyle received for their insensitive videos of hurricane Ian.

JoJo also calls his friend Nick. He asks Nick if he’s decent and then shows him to the livestream. JoJo asks him to say a favorite memory of the two of them and Nicks says the time they rode Buzz Lightyear over and over. Also, he liked when he was JoJo’s cameraman recording dance videos in Magic Kingdom in 2020.

Looking for things to show the livestream, JoJo play a couple of sessions of the online video game, which he says he played when he was younger.

JoJo’s camera cuts off forty-three minutes into the livestream, but his display of his laptop screen continues, and so does the livestream. He play some Little Mermaid videos, including the final trailer of the live action movie. He says he is excited for the movie.

The livestream ends with JoJo saying he is going to restart the livestream to see if it fixes the camera problem.


by Angela Tortelli


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