JoJo’s World: New Channel Announcement

In this vlog, JoJo announces his plans to start a second YouTube channel. This should be a positive event signaling growth and evolution. However, JoJo kicks off the announcement with the negative statement, “I’m starting a new YouTube channel. Bam! Straight to the point! Screw you haters! Not clickbait!” We know that JoJo doesn’t like any criticism and apparently he’s still smarting from previous comments about his use of clickbait vlog titles.

The new channel will be called “JoJo Crichton”. Perhaps it should be called “Jonathan Crichton”, his real name, since with his opening statement the mask of his online persona momentarily slips, offering viewers a glimpse of the real person behind it. His decision to name the new channel with the name he goes by suggests wanting to assert the authenticity of who he is while still clinging to the familiarity of the image he created for himself. It’s a balancing act that leaves one wondering if this new venture will truly reflect a more genuine “Jonathan Crichton” or be another platform for an inauthentic “JoJo” to cultivate the image of himself he wants viewers to accept.

For an explanation of why he is starting a new channel, JoJo begins by same saying, “I have been so stressed out. You’ve got YouTube vlogs, YouTube livestreams, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikToks, and then brand posts on all of those platforms. It is too much for a single person like me to handle.” Considering the never-ending vacation that is JoJo’s life, he shouldn’t be stressed. The Shorts, Reels and TikTok are largely recycled between them. The livestreams are talking and walking and collecting money for an hour or two. The product endorsements use the least amount of effort possible. The vlogs on average are just JoJo intermittently turning the camera on while having fun and then stitching the clips together.

JoJo assures viewers that nothing will change on his main channel. It will continue to feature theme parks, travel, and cruises. The new channel, however, will host more personal videos. It will include content like “drinking around the world in Epcot with Dan” or “doing something off the beaten path.” The first video on the new channel will be posted tomorrow, September 18th.

In addition to the new channel, JoJo also announced an update to his Patreon. He “simplified” the options and he mentions the $15 level in particular. He says at that level of support, patrons would receive one exclusive video on Patreon per month. Fyi, for those who have not be a JoJo supporter on Patreon, the promises he has made in the past have been an out and out lie, defrauding by not providing the promised benefits. For anyone who does become a member, please let us know if in exchange for your $15 he fulfilled the promise of one exclusive video per month.

He promises “ambitious creative projects” and “so much new and fun content.” Despite his enthusiasm, JoJo admits to feeling nervous about the new venture. He says, “It’s a risk and I’m nervous and I’m scared.”

He may feel uncertainty, but anyone knowing his track record can predict the outcome pretty easily. If he does like he did with his Discord server, he will post a few videos on his new channel and then walk away and leave it dormant until he comes back and says he wants to revive it. Then he’ll drop it again. Having two channels would be work, and work is something that JoJo is apparently adverse to, especially if work and obligations affect his “mental health”. His “mental health” gives him, in his mind, a free pass to back out of anything and everything he promises to do.

JoJo making promises he’s not going to keep

[3/5]  This vlog is worth watching and then saving, to remember how JoJo says he is going to do something and then doesn’t. He apparently has no sense of responsibility, no strength of character that would make him keep his word. In JoJo’s World, only JoJo matters. Not following through on commitments is easy for JoJo since no one else matters. There’s no guilt for making people believe things that turn out not to be true.

by Angela Tortelli



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