JoJo’s World: Marvel Day at Sea

JoJo and his friend Jete are on the Disney Dream cruise ship, where the current day is the Marvel Day at Sea. It’s a themed day celebrating the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As JoJo explains, “This is basically a themed day where you see a bunch of Marvel characters around the ship, they have themed events around the Marvel, they’re playing Disney Marvel movies, and they have Disney Marvel events at night time.”

Throughout the ship, various Marvel characters make appearances. JoJo spots Iron Man and exclaiming, “I’ve never seen him outside of Avengers Campus before. That’s awesome!” He also notes that meeting Iron Man and Spider-Man require a reservation, which is free, but it books up.

The ship offers a variety of Marvel-themed activities, such as the Cosmic Academy, where guests can learn to draw Marvel characters. In the Evolution Lounge, guests have the opportunity to meet Captain America. JoJo advises that for meeting characters, you should get in line 15 minutes before their scheduled appearance because the lines get long and they do cut them off. JoJo has missed the cut off, so he roams and instead has an encounter with Doctor Strange. “it’s like you could wait in line but also just walking around you never know who you’re going to run into,” JoJo remarks.

After watching a Dora Milaje demonstration, JoJo meets up with Jete. Jete tells him, “I feel like an Avenger. I’m ready to conquer the world right now – not conquer, but save.” JoJo regrets he didn’t bring his Infinity Gauntlet. Jete replies that they should have brought the Lego Avengers Tower they recently built together.

At lunch, JoJo and Jete eat at Cabanas, where the theming continues with a poster of She-Hulk. JoJo is particularly excited about the crab legs, stating, “I love crab. It’s my absolute favorite. I’m going to eat so much.” He also adds pizza, shrimp and apple juice to his meal. When they leave, JoJo states, “feeling pretty full. Excited to continue our Marvel-ous day at sea.”

Next, JoJo and Jete attend an adult Marvel trivia event at a bar. JoJo admits, “I’m not going to lie, I feel like I might actually win. This is the only time in my life where trivia might be in my favor.” However, with there being questions like “who is Tony Stark’s business partner?” he doesn’t do as well as he had expected. “I kind of failed,” he admits.

Back to meeting characters, has a talk with Captain Marvel and then Loki. JoJo says his own glorious purpose is entertainment. He asks Loki if he could be one of his royal entertainers when Loki takes over the world. “That was my intention,” Loki replies.

JoJo takes a break at the Vista Cafe, where he gets an expresso martini. “Expresso martinis are my cruise ship drink. I don’t why. I love it though,” he says as he tastes it.

JoJo and Jete then watch an event in which cruise guests show off their Marvel costumes. JoJo regrets that he and Jete didn’t think to bring any on the cruise, but says they will next time. The event is capped off with an appearance by all the main Disney characters wearing Marvel costumes.  

After watching an “Avengers Training Initiative” on the pool deck, JoJo and Jete attend the Star-Spangled USO Show, featuring live music and performances. JoJo comments on the 1940s atmosphere, saying, “This is a crazy vibe. I would not expect to be like transported like this.”

Later, JoJo and Jete join in a gathering of Marvel characters who are roaming and talking with guests, including Thor, Loki, Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, Star-Lord, Groot, Ms. Marvel, Black Widow, and Spider-Man. JoJo interacts with several of them, again using the bit about being Loki’s entertainer. Jete says, “See, this is what I thought this entire day was going to be, just meeting Avengers, meeting super heroes all day. Them just roaming around, walking around.” 

JoJo takes time to explain to viewers about a situation that occurred during the character free-for-all. Some roaming characters moved closed to JoJo and he started talking to them, but an obnoxious woman with kids felt she had been in line to meet the characters, even though by the very nature of the event, there were no lines. With her sense of entitlement, she played the kids card, trying to argue that gave her priority. JoJo says he walked away, although he certainly was in the right if he had chosen to verbally swat her down.  

During dinner at the Animator’s Palate restaurant, the menu features Marvel-themed dishes and drinks. JoJo and Jete sample several items, with JoJo giving the meal a rating of 8.5 out of 10. Jete gives it his usual 10 out of 10.

The evening concludes with the “Heroes Unite” show, a large-scale production featuring numerous Marvel characters, special effects, and stunts. JoJo and Jete first grab a spot in a sitting only section, but then move to a standing section so that JoJo can hold up his camera without bothering other people.

The “Heroes Unite” show proves to be a highlight of the Marvel Day at Sea experience. JoJo is amazed by the production, saying, “Wow, that’s like one of the best Disney shows!” Jete concurs, saying, “That was unbelievable.” The show and the events of the day lead JoJo to say in his review that “I can confirm after today that Marvel Day at Sea is worth it.”


by Angela Tortelli



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