JoJo’s World: Marquis at Hollywood Studios

Marquis and JoJo Crichton at Disney's Hollywood Studios

The vlog begins in the Hollywood Studios parking lot, where JoJo says that the lot names will be replaced with character names, like Mickey, Minnie and Olaf. He says he thinks it will help people remember where they parked. As he walks toward the park, he tells viewers that he may or may not run into some friends today.

JoJo starts off by talking to some girls he met on the parking lot tram. He walks with them to Toy Story Land, where he talks to some Green Army Men about how to enlist. “Gotta love Hollywood Studios, Toy Story Land,” JoJo says after the interaction.

JoJo walks back to the park entrance and let’s viewers know he’s indeed meeting a friend. It’s Marquis, a friend from college. The first thing JoJo wants to do with Marquis is get him on a ride, but Marquis isn’t having it. JoJo says they are going to go on Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, but Marquis utters multiple NOs.

As they walk to the ride anyway, JoJo says Marquis was talking to him about when JoJo was “Mr. Scranton”. Marquis also reveals that he and JoJo were in the same dance team at Scranton.

Just saying hi:

“Always making new friends out here. It’s just when you’re in Disneyworld, it’s just a happy place to be. People are on vacation. People just like talking. Guys, human beings don’t like to be alone. That’s a little, little secret right there. I mean, not really, but humans don’t like being alone, and if you can reach out and just kind of be nice and say hi to people here, like that’s awesome and I thrive off of it.”

~ JoJo

Marquis apparently relents to go on the coaster, although in the queue he says he’s afraid of roller coasters. While waiting, they meet some vloggers, the Disney Crimlins. They include JoJo in the vlog they’re making.

On Sunset boulevard, JoJo interacts with two of the Citizens of Hollywood, who are gambling with each other. One says to the other that they should bet on how much battery power JoJo has left on his phone. They both make a guess and the one closest to the right number “won”. The Crimlins have a go with the Citizens too.

Next, JoJo, Marquis, and the Crimlins go on JoJo’s “favorite ride”, Toy Story Mania. JoJo says he’s been learning tips and tricks and he’s aiming to get a score over 200k. On the ride, he gets 202,000, meeting his goal. Marquis gets 165,700 and it’s only his first try. Afterward they go to JoJo’s “favorite place”, Baseline Tap House. “You know I like to get my drinks from there,” he says.

They then watch Trials of the Temple and go on Alien Swirling Saucers. Like the last time he was on it, JoJo can’t get the name right. “We’re going on the Alien Swirl, Spin, Upside Down, Swirling, Swisher Sweet… I don’t know what it’s called,” JoJo spits out.

The last thing they do is watch the Star Wars characters on parade and JoJo tries to get Rey’s attention. She may have given a little wave in return.

FYI, JoJo passes by Hollywood & Vine and talks to Britney, who’s at work, so she did show up again in the vlogs.

JoJo Crichton interacting with Citizens of Hollywood at Disney's Hollywood Studios
JoJo interacting with Citizens of Hollywood


by Angela Tortelli



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