JoJo’s World: Margaritaville at Sea Paradise Preview

JoJo does a surprise livestream from aboard the Margaritaville at Sea Paradise cruise ship. He had not previously stated publicly that he would be on this cruise. JoJo says that the livestream is a very last minute setup, but goes on to say that he’s starting to realize that all of his livestreams are last minute.

JoJo asks viewer to guess what cruise he’s on, having forgotten that he posted it in the title of the livestream. (He drinks a few Coronas, but that’s not to blame.)

JoJo calls the cruise one of the cheapest and shortest you can buy. He says he has not watched any videos of the ship, including Kyle’s, so that can form his own opinion. (A good excuse for not watching Kyle’s vlogs.) He can already tell it’s an older ship, but for the price, he’s not disappointed. He will do a full review of the cruise in a later vlog.

As to what he is going to do, JoJo says he doesn’t know if he is doing an excursion, but he does plan to do some tanning on board. Right now, he’s not even sure what port he’s in. He eventually asks viewers to help him remember what port he traveled to that day to board the ship.

Going solo:

“We are here, we’re on a cruise and I’m excited. I have a room by myself this time. It’s a whole new world. It’s a new adventure and I’m really excited to bring you guys along.”

~ JoJo

Viewers in the chat are wanting to now where Krista is. He says she’s working. He’s also asked about doing an all-boys cruise again. JoJo says it’s difficult to bring everyone together because of people’s schedules. He’s asked about going to Wisconsin, and he replies that the only time he will go to Wisconsin is with Kyle, maybe.

Regarding Kyle, a viewer asks if JoJo gave Kyle any advice on what to do in New York City. (Kyle has recently vlogged about a short surprise trip to NYC). JoJo says that he and Kyle are friends, as he has tried to convince people many times, but that he was as surprised as anyone about Kyle’s trip to NYC.

Viewers comment on JoJo’s subscriber count and he once again explains how it’s boosted by those who only watch his YouTube Shorts. For his long videos, JoJo pleads with those watching the livestream to watch the new video he will post tomorrow at 9am. He says he needs 300 people to start watching it in the first minute and then let the vlog play all the way. He explains that this manipulation of the algorithm would help him.

JoJo also says that he appreciates everyone watching the livestream, but what he really needs is for everyone to watch his at-home livestreams. He states he will do another one next Sunday (“I definitely plan on doing it, 100%.”) and the theme will again be a Disney trivia livestream. He says that he likes being in a controlled environment, because it’s easier for him.

JoJo tours the deck and continues to respond to questions and comments, including one about drinking shots. He says he hasn’t had a shot in months. Someone else wrote that they are glad he is chilling with the shots. This triggers JoJo to once again claim that when he is obviously buzzed on his vlogs, he’s really not. He’s just “silly”. No explanation for why his silliness sometimes comes with slurred speech. JoJo says that whenever he shows himself drinking, people express concern. He claims that he’s always responsible.

At one point, JoJo tries to find a restroom. He also tries to find someone to hold his camera so he can use the restroom but keep the livestream going. JoJo gives the camera to someone he met earlier and goes to the “loo”.

After JoJo answers the call of nature, he sits down at a bar to get another drink. He narrows the choice to an “Off to See the Lizard” or a watermelon margarita. Based on viewer feedback, he gets the watermelon margarita. JoJo tastes it and says it’s good, but very sweet. He says he can’t taste the alcohol, so he gives it an 8 out 10 on the danger scale. He says Dan would drink like five of those drinks.

Regarding Dan, JoJo says that he wants to get Dan, Krista, and all his friends on future cruises. He says viewers ask where these other people are and JoJo explains again that they have jobs. Also, for this particular cruise, he purchased it last-minute. “David Garcia” sends a $499 Super Chat, just like he did during the Tokyo DisneySea livestream, and the message with the money is “Take Krista”. In response to the gift, JoJo says now she’ll definitely be on a future cruise.

A viewer asks, “Who’s Krista?” JoJo replies that she is “a really cool person”, but doesn’t mention that she’s his girlfriend. He continues the charade of showing in every way possible that she’s his girlfriend without actually calling her that.

JoJo wonders if Krista is in the chat, and says he will make her a mod so that she stands out. He finds someone with her name and make her a mod. JoJo hopes it’s the real Krista, but if it’s a fake Krista, then “good on them”. He says he will text her after the livestream to verify it was her.

Someone asks why he doesn’t get a house, marry Krista, and have a family together. JoJo says, “That’s a lot of commitment, don’t you think?” Viewers know that JoJo hates commitment, as seen with the many failures to do what he has said he will do, and doing last-minute activities instead of planning ahead.

In addition the Super Chat, David Garcia also gifts fifty JoJo’s World memberships to people in the chat. JoJo is happy to see his channel membership dramatically increase as a result. He says he wants it to be a community and that members will get access to members only livestreams. Well, actually, he says he would like to do the member livestreams, but it’s a “work in progress”. Translation: it’s likely another scheme that JoJo says he will do but then, despite saying he will do it, doesn’t feel like it and so doesn’t do it. (He has to protect his “mental health” by ignoring obligations that he just doesn’t feel like doing.)

Humorously, the mod “LSUMom” overzealously gives a time out to JoJo’s dad, Noel. Anyone who has regularly watched JoJo’s livestreams should recognize him by his YouTube name (as well as JoJo’s mom and sister’s names). JoJo tells LSUMom it’s okay instead of properly advising her to ease off.

While at the bar, a young fan walks up and says hi. Afterward, JoJo says he likes meeting people as “JoJo” and it’s similar to the experience of meeting people when he played Disney characters at Disney World.

Near the end of the livestream, JoJo starts to go inside the ship. He suddenly realizes he left his backpack with all of his stuff in it somewhere outside. He goes searching for it and finds he left it at the bar. Calamity averted. He ends the livestream with some kind of pseudo-counseling, telling people who are having a bad day that it will get better.


by Angela Tortelli


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