JoJo’s World: Lost in Rhodes

JoJo and his friend Jete arrive in Rhodes, Greece, as a stop on their “Greek Island Glow” cruise on the Resilient Lady. At the port, JoJo notices the old building structures and remarks, “I love how they actually have history here. You can learn all about it.” JoJo uses Google to look up info about Rhodes and reads off the results to a patient Jete. JoJo explains to Jete that he recently saw a docuseries about Cleopatra and that has made him interested in the history of Greece and in ancient Greek mythology.

Apparently, JoJo didn’t also search on what to see in Rhodes, because they start wandering aimlessly from the port. After making twists and turns down some narrow streets, JoJo eventually admits, “I got a little caught up in sightseeing and, uh, I just realized I have no idea where we are.” They both agree that they are definitely lost, but rather than pulling out the phone and rectifying the situation, JoJo says, “We’re just gonna keep walking around until something works out.”

JoJo and Jete, lost but unperturbed

For a little while, JoJo and Jete get lost from each other. They can’t communicate, because, like when they were in Japan, Jete doesn’t have phone service in a foreign country. In short order, they find each other and continue the wandering.

Eventually, they stop for a drink at a place called Socratous Garden. “It is a garden,” JoJo observantly states. Surprisingly, JoJo only gets just orange juice. “Our first drink today is non-alcoholic,” he says with amazement.

JoJo drinking orange juice

They continue their wandering and come across the Roloi Clock Tower and decide to enter. JoJo explains, “It’s the highest point in Rhodes town. It’s five euros and it includes a drink.” (They presumably had him at “drink”.) Looking at the stairs, JoJo says, “I’m kind of scared going up these.” They climb the shallow steps to the top of the tower and peer through the small windows to see the view of the town and of their ship.

JoJo is very hesitant about going back down the stairs because they are so shallow. “Jete, I’ve literally climbed mountains in Hawaii with no safety, yet I’m scared of this for some reason.” They get to the bottom somehow and go to get their drink at the cafe on the terrace.

JoJo and Jete and the scary stairs

Despite not having a plan, and spending a lot of time being lost, they seem satisfied now with how the day has gone. “Getting lost in Rhodes, the ‘JoJo and Jete excursion’ really worked out,” JoJo tells Jete. JoJo’s friend agrees, replying confidently, “It always does.”

It’s not clear how they finally determined that there was something they should see while they have the opportunity on Rhodes, but Jete informs JoJo that they have one more stop to make, the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes. At the palace, they explore the rooms of the castle and see some ancient artifacts like pottery and jewelry. In a chapel room, JoJo remarks, “This room is crazy. It just feels special. I can’t put my finger on it.”

Jete in the chapel room

Finished with history, JoJo tells Jete that he thinks they should try some local food before they return to the ship. Jete selects the restaurant by picking a place that is aesthetically pleasing to him. He makes the point that “we’re filming this, so like we should go to the place that looks the best.”

Jete gets veal tail and JoJo gets lamb, and they both enjoy their meal. JoJo asks Jete, “You know what you’re eating, right, by the way? You’re basically eating cow tail.” Jete admits he didn’t know what he was eating, but says he likes it.

JoJo eating lamb

Reviewing their time on Rhodes, JoJo gives the whole experience an 8 out of 10. Jete is a little more generous, and awards the island an 8.5.

Back on the Resilient Lady and after a nap, they go to a dinner show called “Another Rose”. Jete gives a review of the show afterward, saying, “That show was great. It was short, it was interactive, there was a storyline, I like the girl in it. It was phenomenal.” He gives it a 10 out of 10.

After the show, JoJo and J return to the Manor nightclub for an 80s party and they let loose on the dance floor. In the outro, JoJo says their day three was a lot of fun. J agrees and says, “another one down in the books.”

Jete and JoJo at the Another Rose dinner show

[4/5] It could be better if JoJo had done some preparation and had a plan of what to do in Rhodes. Still, viewers could see the climb up the clock tower and the exploration of the castle. Back on the ship, the video does a good job of showing what the Another Rose show is like.  

by Angela Tortelli



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