JoJo’s World: Lightning McQueen’s Racing Academy

JoJo’s is at Disney’s Hollywood Studios for the opening of Lightning McQueen’s Racing Academy. However, he starts off with another visit to the Frozen Sing-along. He’s there with Kyle Pallo, Cam and Austin Edwards.

By yelling and making gestures while watching the show, JoJo hopes to get another big reaction from the Royal Arendelle Historian played by Equity Ben. JoJo doesn’t get the attention he did the first time he saw Equity Ben, but he tells viewers that Ben gave him a hand signal congratulating him for achieving 1000 subscribers. It did seem like that happened.

Outside the theater, the group meet a guest who is a magician. He does a couple of card tricks with Cam. JoJo is amazed and exclaims, “What the heck? That was crazy!”

Original Austin joins the group and they go to get a Num Num Cookie in Pixar Place. JoJo says, “If you guys have ever tried one, you guys know how good it is.” While he’s in Pixar Place, JoJo dances with Frozone.

They go on to Toy Story Mania. In the queue, JoJo tells viewers (as a joke) that the number one top secret way to get high score is to wear your sunglasses atop the attraction’s glasses. JoJo had separated from the group when he told the secret, but Kyle says that they can always hear JoJo (because he talks so loudly) even when they can’t see him.

After the ride, everyone leaves JoJo, except original Austin.

This is the point that syncs with the previous video, the one with JoJo’s fake proposal. This video shows the events of the day that happened before and after the proposals. In this video, JoJo goes to Baseline Tap House, as seen in the previous video. “Guys, if you’re of age, come to Baseline Tap House. It’s a good time. Cheers!” he says.

JoJo and his fake fiancé find a group of people to give the Fasspases to, the FastPasses they gained through deceit. JoJo continues the previous deception by telling the group that he just got engaged and the reason they’re giving the Fastpasses away is because they can’t stay the whole day. Again, it’s surprising just how easily JoJo tells lies. The recipients are happy to get the FastPasses. JoJo calls what he did “making magic”, sullying the real making magic done by cast members.

After that, JoJo rides Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror, and then both Austin and JoJo’s fake fiancé leave.

JoJo finally goes to Lightning McQueen’s Racing Academy, where he dances with some kids and then watches the show. JoJo is with Amanda Wrate, who in the previous video was JoJo’s second fake fiancée of the day. They both give the show a thumbs up and say it was cute.


by Angela Tortelli


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