JoJo’s World: Leaving Dubai

It’s the last day of JoJo and Jake’s trip to Dubai. Their plans for the day get upended because Jake finds out he doesn’t have a booking for the return flight to Orlando. Jake says, “It might not be my last day in Dubai. I might be stuck here.”

They have been staying at the Millennium Place Marina hotel, which is close to the JBR. It cost $550 for 7 nights during the hot season, and according to JoJo, “Most of these days, it’s felt like over 110 degree weather.” Discussing the safety of the hotel and the area it is in, JoJo says, “Don’t get me wrong, it was my first time in the Middle East. I was a little concerned just because I’m scared no matter where I go.” However, after talking to other travelers and locals, he felt Dubai is quite safe.

Jake notes, “To be fair, we did stay in Dubai, for the most part, and Abu Dhabi, which are the two big cities here, so we didn’t travel too much outside of those areas, so we’re not too sure about how safe it would be outside in those areas, but at least in Dubai and Abu Dhabi you feel very comfortable. Not even a slight worry in my opinion. The only time I didn’t feel safe was on Thor’s Thunder Spin.”

JoJo states that there are many affordable housing options like hotels and Airbnbs, and he advises that people read reviews. For food, there are options for everyone, whether American fast food or local restaurants “I think the biggest thing that I enjoyed was the amount of spice they had in certain foods. Like when they say it’s spicy in America, it’s not spicy here. It’s actually spiced to the to the point that they actually give you gloves in some situations, and yeah, it was fun.” JoJo was referring to eating at Dave’s Hot Chicken and it appears that he didn’t know it is an American restaurant chain, founded in LA.

After he takes a nap, JoJo awakes to find that Jake managed to get a return ticket for $1800. Having secured passage home for Jake, they talk about the nightlife. JoJo says some people assume Dubai has no nightlife and drinking is prohibited. However, he asserts “you can drink” and “there are a bunch of bars in all the hotels.” While alcohol is available in some restaurants, a sushi place they visited did not serve it. JoJo being JoJo found that “a little disappointing.”

They saw drunk people but advise being careful about overdoing it in public. As Jake puts it, “I was a little bit just too afraid to like get that many drinks because you don’t want to be seen in public like that.” Overall, JoJo feels “at the end of the day, Dubai is a safe and fun and interesting place to come vacation, explore. There’s something to do here for everyone, all ages.”

JoJo inserts a clip in the vlog of him hawking new merchandise to help fund his channel. He asks viewers if they want to see more Dubai vlogs consisting of clips he hasn’t included yet.

JoJo and Jake go to the airport and do some tourist shopping at the stores. They eat a McDonald’s, again avoiding local food. On the plane, JoJo sits in economy plus while Jake is in the last row in regular economy. JoJo enviously notes the amenities for business and first class passengers. Right away JoJo notes that “there is a baby in front of me and behind me.” The baby in front is on a crying jag, so JoJo takes the opportunity when the seatbelt light is off to visit Jake in the back.

Returning to his seat, JoJo watches a movie and eats a meal. However, six hours into the flight, with babies crying all around him and three families with kids running around the plane, he feels “claustrophobic.” It’s preventing him from sleeping. Visiting Jake’s quieter corner in the back again, JoJo decides the rear section seems preferable for future flights. In JoJo’s section, people are leaving the window shades open, which is another thing keeping JoJo awake.

After landing, JoJo confirms that it was his worst flight ever. “I definitely want to fly Emirates again in the future, but I’m definitely just going to invest in some soundproof headphones because that was actually really painful and I barely got any sleep and I’m only awake right now because I need to be and I’m curious to see how Jake’s flight went.” Jake, on the other hand, says his flight was good.

The wait for their luggage was an hour, adding more misery to JoJo’s experience. He tries to be positive by discussing with Jake what their favorites things on the trip were. Jake names the Burj Khalifa as his favorite part of the trip. For JoJo, it was SeaWorld. Jake says he would like to go to Bali on a future trip.

by Angela Tortelli



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