JoJo’s World: JoJo’s Birthday 2023 Epcot

JoJo is livestreaming from Epcot to celebrate his birthday. It’s a tradition he’s followed since he moved to Florida. Now 27, he sets the scene by saying, “I’m in Epcot. We’re going to be live. We’re going to have some friends coming in and out of the livestream.”

Besides his birthday, JoJo mentions some other things that happened this month. He hit one million subscribers on his YouTube channel and he went on a trip to Greece and Paris. He gives his trip to Europe a solid 10 out of 10. However, now that he’s home, he hasn’t acclimated yet to the local time and weather.

JoJo’s girlfriend Krista joins him on the livestream. Together they go into the Rose & Crown pub in the UK pavilion. There, JoJo takes questions from the livestream viewers while also conversing with Krista. He invites viewers to ask Krista one “appropriate” question, though she actually answers more than that. Krista answers that she was “born and raised” in Florida, she is 23 years old, her birthday is April 14th, and she works as a wedding planner. She hopes to someday run an event planning company.

When JoJo asks viewers which of Snow White’s seven dwarfs he is most like, Krista immediately says, “Sleepy!”

JoJo reveals that he has already received his gold YouTube play button, commemorating his one million subscribers. However, he hasn’t opened it yet, so the unboxing will be included in a future vlog. During this livestream, JoJo is also recording video for his vlog using his regular camera.

JoJo and Krista are soon joined in the Rose & Crown by JoJo’s friend Kyle Pallo. Kyle gives JoJo a birthday drink. Kyle confirms that after four years of living together, he will be moving out of the apartment he currently shares with JoJo. When a viewer asks about their other roommate Dan, Kyle and JoJo explain that Dan has a girlfriend and they haven’t seen him in a while.

The party grows when JoJo’s friend Swoozie arrives with a present for JoJo. Swoozie gives JoJo several shirts, including one that states “I ain’t nobody’s Plan B. Either you choose me or you lose me.” With the arrival of additional friends Soleny and Pete Carney, it starts to get crowded in the pub. JoJo moves the party outside. There, JoJo’s friends Ryan and Farris quickly join the gang.

JoJo sets up his phone and gimbal across from the pub and that’s the focal point for the rest of the livestream. JoJo continues to talk to his friends and responds to questions from viewers. He has a lot of drinks bought for him and does get tipsy as he feared he would.

When JoJo takes restroom and other breaks, Ryan and Farris are happy to fill in as hosts of the livestream, basically doing their own show. One thing that Ryan and Farris talk about is their announcement that on August 21st, they along with JoJo and their friend Jamari will be going on the Galactic Starcruiser. Because the Starcruiser is permanently closing this year, it will be one of the last voyages for Disney’s ill-fated immersive experience.

During the livestream, JoJo responds to a lot of questions from both viewers and his friends and here are a few of his responses:

  • JoJo ranks the Disney parks: Tokyo Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland, then Paris.
  • Big Thunder Mountain is his favorite ride at Disneyland Paris.
  • His least favorite park is Magic Kingdom because it’s usually crowded and because he can’t drink alcohol there.
  • Festival of Fantasy parade at Magic Kingdom is his least favorite Disney parade. He thinks it’s “old”.

Nate aka pagingmrmorrow makes a cameo appearance and says “Soarin’” as his response to the question of favorite Disney World ride.

When a viewer comments “love the J and K friendship”, it triggers JoJo to declare, “you know this is a good time to address something that hasn’t been addressed in a while, but it’s funny. I’m bringing it up, you know, we’re going down memory lane for a second here. Do you remember for a solid year when people literally thought you and I were dating?” Kyle just shrugs and replies “I guess”, likely perplexed why JoJo feels such a strong need to keep addressing this non-issue.

While it doesn’t require addressing, JoJo has chosen to mention the subject many times in his vlogs over the last four years. No other straight vlogger is known to have stated that they are not gay as often as JoJo has. Clearly this question impacts JoJo in some way, or he wouldn’t have mentioned it as many times as he has in so many of his vlogs.

A viewer asks what’s people’s favorite memory with JoJo. Krista goes first and says that her favorite memory is meeting JoJo in person for the first time. They had been texting prior to that, but they first met in person at Epcot and Krista describes it as the “greatest day ever”.

Kyle says his favorite memory of JoJo is Halloween 2019: “He’ll know what I mean. None of you guys will know anything what that means, but he’ll know.” Actually, we do know, as Kyle and JoJo explained what happened in a vlog from the time. They were supposed to go to a party at a club in downtown Orlando that night, but JoJo in his Jack Skellington onesie got wasted beforehand, and though he was in a car on a ride to the party, Kyle said in the vlog, “He only made it to Gaylord Palms,” and they had to turn around and take JoJo home. There is a photo that Kyle took of JoJo in that state, but JoJo won’t let Kyle share it.

JoJo says his favorite Disney memory as a kid was when he was with his mom and dad at Animal Kingdom and there was a picture taken of JoJo with Mickey Mouse. He remembers how happy they all were at the time, which was before his parents separated.

After two hours of livestreaming, JoJo brings it to a close. “I’ve had a lot to drink already,” JoJo says, stating the obvious. He tells viewers he is going to enjoy the rest of his birthday and if they want to see more, they can see it on his vlog.


by Angela Tortelli


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