JoJo’s World: JoJo’s Birthday 2023

JoJo starts off his 27th birthday celebration by going with his girlfriend Krista to Steakhouse 71 at the Contemporary Resort. There, he enjoys steak and eggs, a Bloody Mary, and a birthday cupcake. It was a good start, as JoJo says, “Breakfast was delicious, the menu was so awesome, everything was good. The food, the drinks, can’t complain.”

The couple then heads to Magic Kingdom, but JoJo finds long wait times for popular rides and characters. Disappointed, he exclaims “I am overwhelmed, 90 minutes for Space Mountain. I’m not trying to be dramatic, I just haven’t seen these wait times in such a long time.”

The line wasn’t long for the Sword and the Stone, so JoJo does his usual unproductive schtick of trying to lift the sword. He walks away from the failed attempt muttering, “It was my birthday. It’s my freaking birthday.”

After using the Tron Lightcycle Run Lightning Lane (“You know, I’m justifying the $40 purchase because it’s my birthday.”), JoJo decides with Krista that “obviously, it’s very busy today in Disney’s Magic Kingdom, so we’re gonna leave.” Most importantly, considering JoJo’s drinking habit, he states, “I can drink in Epcot.”

The couple then heads to Caribbean Beach Resort to check-in. It’s where JoJo will be staying that night. They ride the Skyliner to Epcot to meet up with friends and get the party started.

After arriving, JoJo says he first has to do a livestream: “We have to livestream, we have to, so I’m gonna do that and I’ll see you guys after.”

During the livestream, he receives multiple birthday gifts and alcohol shots from his friends Kyle, Soleny, Swoozi, Ryan, Pete, and Farris. A few fans come by and join in as well. JoJo acts surprised, saying “I really wanted my friends to come through today, but I wasn’t expecting my friends to just pull up with alcohol. It’s a lot.” He doesn’t turn any down though.

The party moves to La Cava del Tequila in the Mexico pavilion. Nick, Lindy, Jess, Alexis and others join the party. JoJo says contentedly, “This is great, this is all I ever wanted for my birthday, just friends and good food.”

After that there is a stop at Biergarten, where JoJo says hi to OG roommate Joey. They don’t eat there, but get some violet sake in Japan instead.

To finish the night at Epcot, the group goes to Guardians of the Galaxy, where Jamari makes an appearance.

Exhausted from the day’s celebrations, JoJo returns to the Caribbean Beach Resort. In his room there, JoJo says, “It’s been a day. If you watched the livestream, you understand.”

At the end of the vlog is an extra scene, in which JoJo unboxes his gold YouTube plaque for reaching 1 million subscribers. He says, “I am more proud of this than my college degree, that’s just saying something though.”

[5/5]  This should be watched as the companion piece to the birthday livestream at Epcot. It would have made more sense to separate the birthday celebration from the plaque unboxing, but JoJo apparently didn’t want to put in the extra effort to create two vlogs instead.

by Angela Tortelli


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