JoJo’s World: JoJo in Indiana Jones Show

JoJo goes to Hollywood Studios to try to be cast in the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular. He takes along Austin and Emily (who JoJo finally introduced to the vlog) to help call attention to him when the “casting director” picks guests from the audience to participate in the show. JoJo says he has tried many times before to be picked, unsuccessfully, but he’s going to try really hard on this day to make it happen.

Inside the park, JoJo meets up with Brianna, another vlogger. JoJo explains the mission to Brianna and they all head off to ride some attractions before the Indiana Jones show. The first attraction is Tower of Terror, but Brianna says she has never been on it and is still not going on it. She plans to leave the queue through the “chicken exit” rather than take the plunge.

Cut to exiting the ToT after they ride it and they head toward Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster. Brianna is okay with that one, saying it’s her favorite ride due to being able to travel upside down on it. 

After the the coaster, JoJo leads the group to get alcohol. He notes that Brianna is too young to drink, but says she can at least watch him drink. Briana sarcastically says, “Love that.” JoJo explains that Baseline Tap House is a favorite place because he had a drink there a year ago and he really liked it and he has eagerly waited all that time to go back again.

Potato Heads:

JoJo: Can you say “hi” to my camera?

Mr. Potato Head: Oh yeah!

JoJo: “Oh yeah?” You can say “hi” to my camera? Say “hi”.

Mr. Potato Head: Oh yeah!

JoJo: I don’t know if you are messing with me or not.

Mr. Potato Head: Oh yeah!

The video cuts to them heading into Toy Story Land, for JoJo’s first time there. In Toy Story Mania, JoJo talks at Mr. Potato Head and it talks back. JoJo says, “This is amazing!”  JoJo and Brianna ride TSM together and Austin rides with Emily. Austin gets the highest score of the group.

At Woody’s Lunch Box, JoJo shows the viewers his Mickey Mouse themed shoes. They all get a grilled cheese sandwich at Woody’s (“We love grilled cheese out here. We chillin’, we cookin’”).

They go check out The Little Mermaid show. JoJo’s review is that the show is “as expected”. Brianna’s take is that the show is “questionable” and “weird”, especially at the end. JoJo agrees that the show is weird, but it’s a “good time” and “never gets old”.

The group has a walk-on with Star Tours. Emily gets identified as the Rebel Spy and she doesn’t like it.

At the Indiana Jones show, lo and behold, JoJo does get selected. He is on stage and goes through the usual pre-show routine with the show’s audience volunteers. During the show, he’s on stage with the other audience volunteers in the marketplace scene. After the show, JoJo describes the experience as “wild” and “truly amazing” and that he can’t wait to tell his parents.

On the Alien Swirling Saucers attraction, JoJo rides alone, but says that maybe one day he’ll find “that special person”, implying that he can then use them to ride with him so that he doesn’t have to ride alone.

The video ends with a brief clip inside Fantasmic! and JoJo and Austin saying goodbye to viewers from a restaurant in Disney Springs.

[4/5]  This is an improvement over the last video. The editing is still rough, but this video has a theme. JoJo captures the thrill of achieving his goal of being selected for the Indiana Jones show, culminating in an entertaining on-stage appearance. The Disney park activities with friends also make for somewhat amusing viewing.

by Angela Tortelli


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