JoJo’s World: JoJo Gets Pooped On

JoJo shares that he and Keith have plans to meet up with Brianna to do some park hopping. JoJo and Brianna arriving at the Magic Kingdom’s TTC and make their way to the Monorail. Despite claiming he’s not complaining, JoJo complains about the time it takes to use the Monorail. He tells Brianna he’s never actually ridden the ferry to the Magic Kingdom before, admitting it used to scare him as a kid. Brianna says she tends to take the ferry back at the end of the day, as it sometimes seems faster to her than riding the Monorail. JoJo agrees that they’ll take the ferry on the way back.

Inside the Magic Kingdom, JoJo and Brianna head toward Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire show, which JoJo says he hasn’t seen yet. They watch the show and then go on an uneventful ride on Space Mountain. JoJo notes that he’s really sweaty from dancing earlier (probably the dancing in the previous video).

After some pics at the purple wall, they go to what JoJo describes as, “Where I work, where I breathe, where I live, Liberty Square.” JoJo invites the viewers to say hi to him if they see him working there as a custodian.

In Frontierland, the character Liver Lips chases after Brianna and tries to get her to play Rock, Paper, Scissors.Brianna loses the game and Liver Lips takes her camera as a reward. The bear plays the game with another girl who they are with but who wasn’t introduced to viewers, and she loses the game and loses her Disney ears. JoJo calls on Keith, who is now with the group, to win back the items. Keith wins back the ears. JoJo also plays the game and wins back Brianna’s camera. The group rides Big Thunder Mountain and Brianna gets a Dole Whip.

In the central plaza, JoJo tells viewers that he’s just been pooped on, which viewers can assume was done by a bird. JoJo takes it as a sign to buy a new shirt and goes to the Emporium, where he buys a Pluto “What Up Dog” shirt. He changes to the new shirt in the dressing room.

Outside the Emporium he meets Aly, another vlogger. Aly joins the group and JoJo says they’re going to the Columbia Harbor house JoJo say, “I’m starving. I think I’m going a little delusional right now. I think I’m dehydrated, hungry, and tired, so time to eat before I pass out.“

Cut to JoJo standing in the rain with Aly, wearing his pooped-on shirt again with no explanation. Nasty.

On Main Street JoJo’s notices a man proposing. JoJo is amazed (“Oh my God, I’m freaking out. I’m about to cry.”) and interviews the couple, Maverick and Malloy.

Cut to Hollywood studios. JoJo is with two vloggers, Emily and Dave. Dave’s channel is Parks in Your Pocket.

JoJo sees Zane Burk and says he’s pleased to announce that he’s finally run into Zane at the parks. Zane is with his friend Devin and a girl named Kayla. JoJo and his group get in line for Slinky Dog Dash, which JoJo says he’s never been on before. JoJo rides the attraction with Keith (“You know me and the roomie got to do it together. Always.”).

After the ride, JoJo says goodbye to Brianna and rides on Tower of Terror with other friends. He watches the Star Wars fireworks show and walks out with Emma, who he just met. (Another brunette, which JoJo seems to favor.)

[3/5]  The vlog has some entertaining moments, like JoJo getting pooped on and the group playing rock, paper, scissors with Liver Lips, but it’s another vlog of JoJo wandering around the parks without a particular purpose. It’s worth watching though to see JoJo’s reactions to things and to see Brianna and Keith again.

by Angela Tortelli


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