JoJo’s World: JoJo Checks-in for DCP

JoJo Crichton of JoJo's World starting his DCP

In this video, JoJo checks into his DCP apartment and into the DCP. He meets several other DCPers and goes to Disney Springs with Keith for dinner and shopping.

JoJo and the one DCP roommate who is known to him, Keith, get up early at their hotel and prepare to go to check-in for their DCP. The two speculate what their housing situation will be, whether there will be two more roommates or four more. JoJo predicts there will be only two more.

When they get to the housing complex, JoJo says he made a wrong turn on the drive there, which caused Keith to be 15 minutes late for check-in and himself 4 minutes late. They quickly find out at check-in that JoJo’s prediction was wrong. They will have a three bedroom apartment with a total of six roommates.


“We got a three bedroom, six person. That’s kind of scary. That’s four people we don’t know!”

~ Keith

JoJo and Keith walk to their apartment and JoJo notes there’s a basketball hoop nearby. He says they “about to ball out here, every day.” Once inside their apartment, they find two people already living there, but those two have an end date at the end of the week. JoJo and Keith did not meet any of their actual new roommates. They retrieve JoJo’s stuff from his car and move it into the apartment.

JoJo and Keith take a rest after moving in, and after having gone out the previous night. JoJo says he has Casting in a hour, but that’s it for the rest of the day. He’s going to chill in the afternoon to be ready to go out again with Keith that night.

JoJo drives to Walt Disney World Casting Center without making any wrong turns this time and does what he needs to do. On the walk out, he talks to several people who were also at Casting, including Julia, a woman on her second DCP, who like JoJo, is vlogging her experience and who will also be custodial. Another person there is Von, who JoJo says is one of his first friends and someone who has supported his channel since the beginning. Von says viewers can subscribe and follow him, but JoJo doesn’t reciprocate the support, which he could have done by providing Von’s social names. JoJo invites Von to go out with him that night, but is non-committal about a time when Von asks for one.

Keith Frankert and JoJo Crichton checking out Vista Way apartments
Keith and JoJo checking out Vista Way

Later in the day, JoJo and Keith make their way to Disney Springs and go to Chef Art Smith’s Homecomin’ for dinner. There they dine with Meaghan, whom JoJo previously met in NYC at character performer auditions, plus her mom. JoJo says he was horrible at the audition, but Meaghan was amazing. Meaghan may become a “friend” of a Disney princess.

JoJo, Meaghan, and her mom enter a gift shop, while Keith remains standing forlornly in the doorway. Leaving the store, JoJo laments that he is already spending money on his DCP, having bought something in the shop. They go on to World of Disney, where Meaghan’s mom gives JoJo a task: buy a necklace that Mom wants to give to Meaghan but doesn’t want Meaghan to see her buying. JoJo completes the task and wonders how he will get the necklace to Meaghan’s mom. We don’t know how either, since the video then jumps to Keith and JoJo later leaving the apartment complex, again, for another shopping trip.

The video ends with JoJo and Keith at home, at the end of the night. It’s unknown if they had gone out and met Von, so Von may have been right in trying to pin JoJo down on a specific time.

JoJo Crichton and Keith Frankert in their apartment at Vista Way
JoJo and Keith in their apartment at Vista Way

[4/5]  JoJo appears enthusiastic about starting the program and his amused reactions to the day’s events make it an entertaining watch. While it doesn’t provide a lot of detail, it does capture the excitement of a person beginning their DCP.

by Angela Tortelli


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