JoJo’s World: Impressions of Disneyland Paris

JoJo and his friend Jete (aka showmelovejete) are back at Disneyland Paris after riding every ride the previous day. They slept in until noon and now are ready to relax and experience the Disneyland Paris park at a leisurely pace. Today’s objective for Jete is to buy some merch, and for JoJo, to drink champagne.

Before they enter the park, they check out the World of Disney store and are impressed by how nice and easy to navigate it is. The park is celebrating its 30th anniversary and they look at the commemorative merchandise.

Hearing music, JoJo enters the park and sees some of the 30th anniversary parade. JoJo loves the dancers and their choreography, which some guests join in doing. In JoJo’s rush to enter the park and see the parade, he doesn’t notice that Jete isn’t with him. He goes back to the entrance to find Jete experiencing a ticket problem – Jete says he bought three tickets for the 23rd and today is the 24th, so he had to purchase a new ticket for the 24th before he could enter.

On Main Street, JoJo sees a popcorn stand he feels compelled to stop at. “This the best Main Street popcorn stand I’ve ever seen. Why, might you ask? They sell champagne! I’m happy. I’m going to get some champagne and chips because we’re chilling today,” JoJo says contentedly.

JoJo and Jete head toward Adventureland and enter the land into an Aladdin themed area, with desert-style architecture and banners. They meet Aladdin, who speaks with a strong French accent.

JoJo and Jete then walk to Frontierland, where they go to lunch at the Silver Spur Steakhouse. They get the Cowboy Platter appetizer and steak entrée and more champagne to drink. They enjoy having American, or at least Americanized, food that they haven’t had in the last week and a half they have been in Europe. JoJo rates it 8 out of 10, saying the steak was well seasoned but it wasn’t cooked the way he wanted it.

After their lunch at Silver Spur, JoJo is already thinking about another drink. After only a short distance of walking, he stops at the Cowboy Cookout Barbecue so he can get a beer to walk around with. “I am a happy boy right now. Beer! Yeehaw!” JoJo declares excitedly.

Jete wants to satisfy his objective for the day and goes into the Emporium to find a hoodie with French on it, to show he got it from Disneyland Paris.

Leaving the Emporium, they see that the 30th anniversary parade/show is about to begin. JoJo and Jete join the crowd gathered on the street to watch. JoJo is again enthralled by the dancers.

When the parade concludes, JoJo and Jete apparently feel hungry again. They head to Casey’s Corner, where JoJo gets chicken nuggets.

After the snack, they watch the regular parade, Stars on Parade. Afterward they walk into Fantasyland, where JoJo sees the Sword in the Stone. He remarks that this version is his favorite out of all the Disney parks.

Checking out more of the stuff they didn’t do in the all rides challenge, they venture into Alice’s Curious Labyrinth maze. “This is actually a legit maze!” JoJo exclaims as they try to wind their way through the elaborate hedge maze. After finally emerging from the maze, they also walk through the Queen’s castle.

For some reason, Jete wants to eat again, and they think about going to Captain Jack’s – Restaurant des Pirates in the Pirates of the Caribbean area. However, upon arrival they find reservations are fully booked. Later, after experiencing the Adventure Isle, which JoJo describes as being like Tom Sawyer’s Island, they decide to go to the quick service Hakuna Matata restaurant.

As the sun sets, they agree Big Thunder Mountain is a must-do ride before leaving the park. After the wild rollercoaster ride, JoJo ranks it a perfect 10 out of 10 (“the wildest ride in the wilderness!”).

They grab spots to watch the Disney Dreams fireworks show. They enjoy the show and JoJo says, “I love the fountain and the lighting effects. The drones were sick too.” Jete adds, “That’s the closest like I’ve seen a show to be like ‘Happily’,” and says he had tears.

JoJo and Jete head toward the exit and discuss the park in general. “There’s just something about being back to the Disney Magic. It’s just, it’s so nice,” Jete says nostalgically. JoJo wholeheartedly agrees, giving his glowing review of Disneyland Paris. He highlights the fresh ride experiences, spectacular parades and shows, delicious food and drink, and the Disney magic and charm.


by Angela Tortelli



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