JoJo’s World: How Not to Take Criticism

Earlier today, JoJo posted a vlog that included clips he recorded inside the new Villain-Con Minion Blast attraction at Universal Studios. Recording inside the attraction was explicitly prohibited and signage that JoJo showed in his vlog clearly states that. The facts are irrefutable.

JoJo broke the rules and recorded inside the attraction so that he could post the recording on his channel to get views. Consequently, and understandably, there was criticism of JoJo’s actions, just like there has been in the past regarding his bad behavior.

As before, JoJo, rather than doing the right thing and apologizing and stating he will do better in the future, chose to post a response attacking the people who dared to criticize him. He defiantly states, “a”

Below is a line-by-line critique of his statements.

  1. “Okay, well, um, I guess filming and making content that I’m excited about sometimes can become a little too much, and that’s what we’re about to talk about, because my hands are shaking. I literally feel anxious in my own room right now. This is gonna just be uncut. Today, literally, I posted a video probably an hour or two hours ago about one of Universal’s newest rides.”

JoJo is setting up a narrative where he is a victim of his own passion for creating content. This is a manipulative tactic to gain sympathy from the audience.

  1. “I’m no stranger to having videos of rides in parks around the world on my channel, and I always do a really good job of trying not to interfere disrespect or ruin anyone’s experience in these rides.”

Despite his claim, JoJo has been known to record people without their permission and interfere with others’ enjoyment of the rides. His statement is not honest.

  1. “This video isn’t me responding to anything in particular. It’s just, I’m getting to a point in my career where I feel like transparency is, you know, um, really important to me.”

JoJo is deflecting criticism by claiming he’s striving for transparency, but he’s not addressing the specific criticisms leveled against him.

  1. “When you go into any universal ride, there’s no record when you go into ET. They say no recording and all that, but I think today, because it was just a new ride, a lot of people are on top of it in both positive and negative ways.”

JoJo is attempting to justify his actions by implying that the rules are not always enforced or are selectively enforced. This shows a disregard for the rules.

  1. “It’s weird because I have such a mixture of people who are really excited and happy to see the ride in all its glory and on the other end, there’s people starting to already bully me, even friends that I consider just coming at me and that could be for the best or worst reasons.”

JoJo is conflating criticism with bullying, which is a manipulative tactic to deflect from his own wrongdoing.

  1. “I saw other people recording which gave me the idea to record little bits of it, you know, not the whole thing.”

JoJo is trying to shift blame onto others, rather than taking responsibility for his own actions.

  1. “I’m talking about this not to defend myself in any way I understand where people are coming from from both sides.”

Despite claiming he’s not defending himself, JoJo’s entire video is an attempt to defend his actions.

  1. “I’m actually out of respect for everyone removing the parts of the actual ride POV that I filmed just because, I just, I don’t, I don’t care. It was just fun. It’s just a few couple seconds of a video. It’s, it’s not that serious in my mind.”

JoJo is downplaying the seriousness of his actions, showing a lack of understanding and respect for the rules.

  1. “As far as people actually coming at me with really mean comments and just over the top, but this kind of is allowing me to talk about something that I’ve been feeling a lot on social media, especially in this theme park. uh community. It’s there, so many different sides to what you see, and people can be so mean.”

Again, JoJo is conflating criticism with meanness or bullying, which is a manipulative tactic to deflect from his own wrongdoing.

  1. “I started my YouTube channel because I just loved filming the parks and it helped me get through uh my depression and my anxiety.”

JoJo is using his mental health as a shield against criticism, which is manipulative.

  1. “I was just having a good day and it was super exciting and you know at the end of the day, I love Universal, I love theme parks, and I just love being able to show you that.”

JoJo is attempting to paint himself as a passionate fan of theme parks, which is not in question. The issue is his disregard for the rules and other park-goers’ experiences.

  1. “Everyone who really, really had an issue with me, even to the people I consider co-workers or friends, um, I don’t know, I, it’s just shocking to me, that’s all.”

JoJo is expressing surprise at the criticism, which suggests a lack of self-awareness about his actions and their potential impact on others.

  1. “I don’t mind taking down the clips. I just, do mind the vicious bullying and hate that comes not from just this video, that comes from all the videos I do, or all the videos that my friends do, and it’s, it’s, it’s a lot. It’s, it’s, I feel like it’s getting more and more toxic, this community.”

Again, JoJo is conflating criticism with bullying, which is a manipulative tactic to deflect from his own wrongdoing.

  1. “But I won’t change. I’ll still be myself. You guys know who I am, and to all the people who did talk bad about me, I’m not mad at you. To all my, uh, friends or maybe even co-workers, who like kind of got mad at me, I’m chilling. I’m not mad at you either. I get it. I still love your content. I’ll still watch it.”

JoJo is saying he won’t change, which shows a refusal to take criticism and to rectify his bad behavior.

  1. “That’s all. I just wanted to talk. I, I’ve never done this kind of video, and it’s, it’s good. It feels good, you know, regardless some of. Every day is a blessed day to be alive.”

JoJo is trying to end on a positive note to distract from the criticism and the issues at hand.

  1. “Let’s all just try to be nice to people. It’s a theme park. No one’s getting hurt. It’s fun, right? I don’t know. Okay, bye.”

JoJo is downplaying the seriousness of his actions and their potential consequences, showing a lack of understanding and respect for the rules and other people’s experiences.

[5/5]  This is a must-see vlog, to see how badly JoJo is unable to accept or handle any legitimate criticism. It also shows how JoJo can be manipulative to foster an image of his own creation and to avoid properly dealing with issues. The legitimate criticisms of JoJo that have been expressed by people in response to JoJo’s behavior are just what he needs. As human beings, we need others to help us see when we are doing wrong. Unfortunately for him, there are many fans who are enablers, who tell him they agree with his claims that criticism is “bullying” (and blindly agree with anything he says, no matter how absurd it may be). This allows JoJo to avoid considering how he could do better, and instead to state, “I won’t change.”

by Angela Tortelli



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