JoJo’s World: Hollywood Studios with Kyle

Kyle Pallo and JoJo Crichton at Disney's Hollywood Studios

The vlog starts outside of Hollywood Studios where JoJo and Kyle Pallo look at the testing of the Skyliner. The Skyliner is the new gondola transportation system that Disney is building to connect some of the parks and resorts. Kyle explains that it connects Caribbean Beach Resort, Pop Century Resort, Epcot and Hollywood Studios. They are both amazed at how fast the vehicles travel.

Inside the park, Kyle points out that there is something else new on the way, an attraction they both refer to as “Mickey’s Runaway Railroad Train” (It’s actually Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway). Kyle says it’s the first attraction starring Mickey Mouse. JoJo says, “Wow!” and tells Kyle he should be a VIP tour guide. Kyle thinks that would be awesome, and JoJo says, “Maybe someday.”

On Hollywood Boulevard, they meet and talk to Citizens of Hollywood. The Citizens say they are out looking for talent, specifically for a leading man. JoJo tells them that Kyle might be what they looking for. Kyle says he was going to recommend JoJo.

The Citizens decided to audition the two, starting with Kyle (“Mr. Hollywood Hair”). The lady of the group sets the scene. She and Kyle have had a fight and now Kyle must try to win her back. Kyle says his line, “Darling, please forgive me,” and she immediately yells, “Okay!” He asks her if they are married already and she says, “We’re married and I’m going to take all your money!” (Don’t spend all that pocket change in one place, girl.) The director tells Kyle he was good but used too much adlibbing.

JoJo is next and the director says he has a better name than Kyle. JoJo does way more adlibbing in the scene but the director loves it. The director says both JoJo and Kyle did amazing work. (“Have your people call my people. Don’t hold your breath.”)

Super brown-nosing:

“Check out Kyle’s channel. He is an amazing vlogger. If you enjoy my vlogs, you’ll enjoy his like ten times better, and I’m not even trying to hype him.”

~ JoJo

After that, JoJo and Kyle go to see the Beauty and the Beast show. Kyle has a crush on Belle, who he creepily calls “his wife”. After the show, JoJo and Kyle go to the Frozen sing-a-long, which JoJo says he has never been to. On the walk between theaters, JoJo effusively praises Kyle and Kyle’s channel, basically brown-nosing.

At Frozen, they sit in the front, where during the show JoJo “sings” loudly and off-key. (“Hey guys, I can yell and not get in trouble. It’s great.”) After the show, JoJo says he had “such a good time” and that he truly enjoyed it. About the experience, he says, “You can yell and scream and shout and people can’t get mad at you.” It’s not clear if he enjoyed the show or just the opportunity to yell.

They go eat at Woody’s Lunchbox, and Kyle gets the grilled cheese that JoJo always gets. (“It truly is amazing.”)

After JoJo spends some time dancing with Mr. Incredible, they watch the Star Wars characters parade by. JoJo obnoxiously taunts the First Order stormtroopers, showing behavior we haven’t seen except when he is with Kyle, who perhaps has a bad effect on JoJo.

The two leave the park to get ready for work. JoJo in his outro again brown-noses Kyle, saying how great he is.

Kyle Pallo and Citizens of Hollywood at Disney's Hollywood Studios
Kyle Pallo and Citizens of Hollywood

[3/5]  The video is worth watching for the interaction between JoJo and Kyle and the Citizens of Hollywood. The rest of the vlog is JoJo working on his relationship with Kyle, presumably for content and for JoJo using the collab to grow his channel.

by Angela Tortelli



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