JoJo’s World: Going to MK and DAK

JoJo finishes his second day of training and heads home to get ready for an evening at Magic Kingdom. He meets up with his friends Hayleigh and Meaghan at his apartment, where the two women go about spraying it with an extreme amount of air freshener, apparently because it needed it. JoJo jokes that the fog of freshener may do him in.

At first it look like JoJo intends to go with Meaghan and Hayleigh to MK, and he goes with them on pre-MK trip to a grocery store where Meaghan buys a lot of stuff. However, after the grocery store, JoJo meets up with his male friends as they are coming out of training at Disney University, and it’s with them he goes to Magic Kingdom. Austin, Will, Braden, Keith, Christian and JoJo drive to MK and JoJo expresses concern that they won’t be able to get inside the park in time to see the fireworks. They ride the monorail and JoJo does get to see the fireworks, although it’s by seeing them on his phone as he points his camera toward himself and the fireworks going off behind him.

JoJo takes in the moment as he walks under the train station and enters Main Street. It’s his first time being able to get in free as a cast member and the first time visiting Magic Kingdom in over a year. He and Will note that they will be able to go to the parks like this for the next five months during the DCP and so don’t have to do everything all at once.

A Celebration of Queue Cheating:

“Magical moment, skipping the line, straight to FastPass — we didn’t have a FastPass.”

~ JoJo

They stop at Casey’s Corner for food. Christian gets a colossal foot-long dog with mac and cheese and bacon and has difficulty figuring out how to eat it. Meaghan and Hayleigh meet up with the boys there. There is a third woman with them, whom JoJo does not identify but lumps in with Austin and Hayleigh, referring to the three as “everyone else”. [Edit: Identified in a later video as “Emily”.]

JoJo and Meaghan and the trio of “everyone else” ride together on the PeopleMover and then cram together in one cup to ride the Mad Tea Party. They follow that with a ride on Splash Mountain and Space Mountain and that ends the coverage of the evening at MK.

Cut to the next day, and JoJo, Meaghan and Hayleigh walk into Animal Kingdom. Inside the park, they meet up with “the boys” (Austin, Will, Braden, and Keith). They ride Expedition Everest, Dinosaur, and then Everest again. In the Africa area, they watch acrobats and JoJo joins in a dance party. In Pandora, they eat at JoJo’s favorite place, Satu’li Canteen. The video ends with a ride on Flight of Passage.

JoJo dancing in Animal Kingdom
JoJo dancing at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

[2/5]  The editing is really rough and the video quality is not good. JoJo goes to two parks but there’s not really any theme to it, other than it’s JoJo’s first time going to the parks as a cast member.

by Angela Tortelli


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