JoJo’s World: Fun Spot America

JoJo arrives at Fun Spot America theme park in Orlando along with his friends Kevin Mendez, Matt, Jete, Krista, and Maria. He describes it as a “ghost town” with “carnival vibes”, since there are barely any people there. Matt and Kevin say they have been there many times before, but Jete has never been.

The park does pay per ride, but JoJo decides to buy the $120 season pass instead.

They start on the Scrambler ride, where JoJo, Matt, and Kevin squeeze into one seat. Matt gets in first and remarks that he takes up half the seat by himself. They manage to fit by Kevin sitting in the middle and putting his arm around JoJo and Matt. After the ride, JoJo says, “That ride kind of hurt, but it was fun.”

Next is the Head Rush, where Kevin and JoJo turn upside down. Kevin asks, “How is this fun?”. Afterward, they go on the common Tilt-A-Whirl and JoJo states, “I’ve never been on a ride like that.”

The group then heads to the SkyDiner for drinks. Matt explains cheap the drinks are compared to other parks. Jete laments that no place they go to has his favorite drink, a Long Island Ice Tea.

After walking through a carnival fun house, JoJo, Kevin, and Matt ride the Sea Serpent ride. JoJo says he didn’t expect to have so much fun on it. JoJo also comments, “All of these rides, I really feel unsafe, but like in a fun way. Gravity’s taking the wheel.”

JoJo and Matt ride the Happy Swing next. They then skip some kiddie rides that have weight restrictions. Another ride, the Freedom Flyer, is closed, and JoJo says “Apparently there was some like incident with workers. I’m not too sure.”

By the time they ride the Carousel, Matt has bowed out from feeling sick. JoJo usually doesn’t like carousels, but this is apparently an exception because he can take his drink on it. JoJo explains, “I have never been on a ride where they permit alcohol. This is amazing! Fun Spot has just gone up into like top three amusement parks.”

Jete, who has not been riding any rides, observes about the park, “Listen, I don’t know what’s going on here. This is like a ghost town, to be honest. I’m not opposed to it, but it just feels eerie. There’s no one here. It seems like people who work here kind make their own rules, go on breaks whenever they want, which isn’t a bad thing. Seems like a great place to work.” JoJo later says, “It’s funny too, because team members like aren’t operating the rides unless you walk up to it. I’ve been seeing people just go back and forth from different rides.”

The whole group then goes to get food at a food truck. Kevin gets a chicken sandwich, and after finishing that gets a pizza slice and breadsticks. Maria gets chicken tenders.

With Matt out and Jete not riding, the night becomes like a date night for JoJo and Kevin.  The two ride the Firecracker together. On the ride, JoJo brings down his own safety bar, and says, “I just love how like hands-on this experience has been tonight. I just feel like, I’m like really operating these rides.”

The two then go on the bumper cars. “I’ve never done bumper carts with just two people,” JoJo remarks.  When Kevin playfully bumps into him, JoJo exclaims, “Get off me bro!”

After the bumper cars and after doing the go-karts, Kevin tries his first ever Ferris wheel. JoJo enjoys the views on high, but thinks the ride is too long. He says “Maybe for a couple, it might have been nice and romantic, but for us, we’re like, ‘Get us off.’” Kevin says “yeah” and nervously laughs.

Up next is the Rip Curl. JoJo doesn’t like it, saying, “Fun Spot is lowkey a torture chamber. That was horrible.” JoJo also says that the rides are messing with his brain. Kevin agrees, saying “I’m so glad I only had the one drink.”

At this point, JoJo checks in with the now third wheel, Krista. She explains that she has been the designated camerawoman and that today has not been the day for her to ride rides. “I’ve just been vibing and filming,” she says.

JoJo moves on from Krista to lie with Kevin to ride the Liberty Swing flat on their stomachs. Kevin enjoys the ride with JoJo, saying, “It was a vibe up there.”

They skip the Sky Coaster due to the extra cost, but Matt rejoins them to ride the last ride, the White Lightning roller coaster.

In conclusion, JoJo explains he’ll be back to Fun Spot America due to having a season pass. He also still wants to do the Flying Coaster. To his girlfriend and designated camerawoman, Krista, he says, “Maybe you’ll have to come back and actually ride something.”


by Angela Tortelli


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