JoJo’s World: Frozen Show

JoJo Crichton with Taylor and Austin Edwards at Disney's Hollywood Studios

JoJo is at Hollywood Studios with vlogger Kyle Pallo and Kyle’s roommates, Cam and one of the Austins. They talk about how hot it is, with Austin feeling like a “burnt chicken nugget.” Though JoJo says he eventually burns, it takes time. Creepy Kyle declares, “It’s hot, but I’m always hot,” not referring to the temperature.

The group heads to Toy Story Land where JoJo interacts with the Green Army Men, like he did on a previous visit. Then they go to Toy Story Mania, JoJo’s “favorite ride.” JoJo challenges Kyle, asking viewers to predict the winner. JoJo says that Kyle is apparently kind of good at the game, and Kyle, who besides being weird can also be arrogant and obnoxious, says, “I’m good at every game.” Unlike past experiences on TSM that were for fun, JoJo indicates this is serious, saying, “I’m going to try so hard. This is probably the hardest I going to try in the next six months.” Kyle ends up winning, 347k to 218k.

Kick me:

“I literally got bullied, but it was the best moment of my life. It made me so happy.”

~ JoJo

After the game, they race to the Frozen Sing-a-long, to try to make it before showtime. At the Frozen theater, they meet up with Kyle’s Australian friend, Taylor. It’s noticeable once they are seated inside that a Royal Historian of Arendelle is playing directly to JoJo. When Olaf sings the line, “But put me in summer and I’ll be a happy snowman,” JoJo shouts out “puddle”, as he’s done before. The performer, Ben Ptashinsky, who goes by the nickname EquityBen, walks toward JoJo, glaring, and says to him, “Nobody likes you.” Later during Let It Go, Ben offers a snowflake to JoJo, but rips it up as JoJo reaches for it.

After the show, JoJo says, “That was honestly the best Frozen show I’ve ever been on.” JoJo liked when Ben ripped up the snowflake and he inserts a video clip that Cam recorded that shows JoJo walking to the stage to reach for it. JoJo says he actually really wanted the snowflake.

Afterward, they go back to Toy Story Mania, where JoJo challenges Kyle again so that they can ride together. Kyle again beats JoJo, 351k to 233k, but both improve their score.

At the end of the vlog, they watch the march of the Star Wars characters, and JoJo again obnoxiously yells at them to try to get a reaction while the cast member performers do their best, given the situation. Kyle, Cam and Austin leave, and JoJo and Taylor stay. The two go on Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster. The end.


by Angela Tortelli


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