JoJo’s World: Freedom of the Seas 3

It’s day 3 of the cruise on Freedom of the Seas and JoJo and Krista disembark to visit the port at Nassau. JoJo is amazed by how much construction has taken place there since his last visit and since he was first there in 2021. “I feel like every time I come here I’m doing a construction update,” he notes. The port area now has a marketplace, museum, market stalls, shops and restaurants. “This whole Marketplace is really, really nice,” JoJo remarks.

They make their way to Señor Frogs, JoJo’s favorite traditional place at Nassau. Unlike previous trips, when JoJo would spend a lot of time there drinking heavily, they leave shortly after they get there, JoJo says it’s because they forgot their money and credit cards. JoJo asks Krista for her first impressions of the place and she tries to say something nice since she knows how important the bar is to him. “It’s so much fun here,” she says, and that it puts the Orlando location to shame. He says, “You can see why the ‘JoJo Excursion’ is a thing.” Maybe.

They visit Junkanoo Beach, which is more crowded than JoJo has even seen it. Krista dips her toes in the water for the first time. “You’re touching the Bahamian waters!” JoJo says excitedly. Next to the beach, they revisit the first bar JoJo went to in the Bahamas back in 2021, The Salty Crab, and get a drink. JoJo calls it a “full circle moment.”

They decide it’s too hot out and go back to the ship. Back on board, JoJo notes that they missed the Sexiest Man competition, perhaps thinking about his previous experience. Krista gets ice cream cones for JoJo and herself before they get in the hot tub. Krista says she wants it never to end.

They watch a parade on the promenade and then go to Izumi restaurant to get a bite. “We’ll see if we can grab some sushi, hopefully,” JoJo says.

No More Bingo:

“I’m never playing Bingo again. I’m never. This was too intense. I’d rather go to the casino, honestly. I feel like I have a better chance there. That was intense. Too much brain power.”

~ JoJo

Later, JoJo and Krista play bingo, but don’t win. At a store, Krista finds a bracelet that she thinks JoJo would look good wearing it. It’s $24.99. Because of the packaging he can’t try it on and he’s concerned that it won’t fit. “I have tiny wrists. Look at this. I’m like a skeleton, basically,” JoJo says.

Next, they go to the casino with $30 to gamble. “We’re going to make back our money from Bingo and last night. I feel confident,” JoJo asserts. JoJo loses $20 immediately at blackjack. Krista plays with the rest of the money on a slot machine and loses that. JoJo puts up another $20 and this time Krista wins and they cash out with $77.

They attend the silent disco party on the ship that evening. Being with Krista instead of his usual male travel companions, JoJo is extremely less in the party mode. He goes through the motions of dancing. They also go to the regular night club, but it must not have been very exciting for JoJo since there’s only a few seconds of it in the vlog.

At night’s end, JoJo and Krista reflect on the cruise length. JoJo says 3 days is too short and 7 days is too long. Something in between is the right length.

The next morning they have breakfast before disembarking. “This is the first time I’m actually having breakfast in a long time. Usually, I just rush to the airport,” JoJo comments. They discuss what they liked best and Krista says her favorite part was bar hopping in Nassau. In fact, she says she would like if they just immediately book the next cruise out and hop back on the ship. JoJo says she is addicted to the ship life. JoJo says his favorite part was the Once Upon a Time show (on day 2).


by Angela Tortelli


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