JoJo’s World: Food & Wine Festival 2023

It’s the first day of the Food & Wine Festival and “new Festival brings new merchandise and even bigger crowds,” as JoJo says. One of the biggest additions this year is the Brew-Wing Lab at the Odyssey pavilion. The pavilion has a food experiments theme, and cast members are wearing “cool little costumes, like lab coats”. Adding to the experience, the Muppet characters are shown taste testing and working on something new. JoJo says, “I like the storytelling that they’re adding to the food and wine event.”

At the Brew-Wing Lab, there’s a long line to try a new pickle milkshake. JoJo orders one, plus the “Unnecessarily Spicy” wings and the orange-cardamom wings, all of which are new to the Festival this year. As JoJo describes it, the pickle milkshake is topped with whipped cream and has a sweet yet salty flavor, with “hints of pickle every now and then.” He gives it a 7 out of 10 rating, saying it would be “good to share,” but he wouldn’t get one for just himself again.

The orange wings, JoJo says, are reminiscent of orange chicken, and “nothing special.” In contrast, the spicy wings pack some heat from the Scotch bonnet pepper curry, and you can “smell the curry on them.” At first bite, the spice “hits your mouth” hard, making JoJo’s nose run, though it’s not a lingering heat. After trying them all, JoJo ranks the pickle milkshake first, the spicy wings second, and the orange wings third.

Moving on, JoJo runs into vlogger Pete Carney, who is trying the “Crispy Duck Bao Bun with Hoisin Sauce” at the China booth. Pete says it’s “nice and soft, tender, like milk in your mouth, it’s perfect.” The duck is cooked nicely, but Pete would like it a little crispier. Altogether, he really likes it, saying “They know what they’re doing in China.”

It starts to rain and JoJo takes shelter in the House of Good Fortune store, but ventures back out into the rain to keep trying new foods.

Next is the beef sandwich from the Flavors of America booth. JoJo calls it his “new favorite item” for the day.

JoJo loves the beef:

“The beef has such a good flavor to it and the peppers and the relish, all of that just blends together so well to make this really big flavor. It really, it’s really popping in my mouth right now and the sauce just complements everything really good.”

~ JoJo

At the American pavilion, JoJo also finds an old favorite of his, Kyle Pallo. Kyle is with his sister, Alexa. Kyle explains to viewers that he told JoJo to come over there because otherwise “when am I ever gonna see you?” JoJo clearly rebuffs him by trying to quickly change the subject to the fact that Kyle sister has never been on the vlog before.

For appearance sake, JoJo does tell Kyle that they should do a vlog together soon, but Kyle makes sure that viewers know the truth by saying, “I’ve asked you a million times! Trust me guys, I’ve asked a million times. He goes, ‘I gotta go my own way.’” Kyle sneers as he quotes JoJo’s rebuff of him. JoJo abruptly ends the clip.

From there, JoJo has one more stop for the day, and it’s the Japan booth. “I’m very excited for this. I love Japanese food,” JoJo says in anticipation. He gets the Teriyaki Chicken Bun and the Fire Taiko Roll (sushi). While he enjoys the teriyaki bun, he is not a fan of the “weird aftertaste” from the sushi.

JoJo takes a detour to stroll past all the characters in a character palooza by the World ShowPlace Pavilion. Then, disappointed, he notes that his favorite food booth, the Hawaii booth, isn’t open yet and he wants it “now.” As the evening wraps up, he thanks his viewers and fans for watching his vlog of the first day of the Festival.


by Angela Tortelli



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