JoJo’s World: First Time in Paris

In this vlog, JoJo does a prologue from his apartment, stating that when he was younger, he “never wanted to travel”. His main goal was to get a job to make enough money to go to Walt Disney World with his family. He says, “Surprisingly, I hit that pretty easily. The world is my oyster. Life is a journey and today we are exploring Paris. We had no plans, didn’t go the way we expected, but we did get to see a very, very special show.” With that, the vlog cuts to JoJo in France.

JoJo and Jete (aka showmelovejete) leave their Airbnb outside of Paris and walk to the station for the train to the city. The plan according to Jete is to “go see the Eiffel Tower, get some food, get some wine, go see Moulin Rouge.” Happy with their intentions, he says, “What a great night.”

They take the RER A train from Val d’Europe to the Charles de Gaulle–Étoile station in Paris. The trip cost 5 euros.

When they arrive and exit the station, they are both amazed by the view of a Parisian street. In addition to the charm of the buildings, JoJo remarks, “I already saw someone kiss too. It really is the city of love.”

They make their way to the Arc de Triomphe to get “the best view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.” Seeing the monument and the Eiffel Tower beyond, JoJo says, “We’re not at Epcot anymore, Jete!” Climbing to the top, JoJo comments, “That was a workout.” He had thought there would be an elevator. Having reached the top of the Arc de Triomphe, they view the Eiffel Tower. Seeing it from that distance, they decide they need to go to the tower to see it up close.

They walk to the tower and as they get closer to it, JoJo exclaims, “I didn’t realize it was so big! What in the world? Wow!” Tying it back to Disney World, he says, “Now I’ll be able to watch Soarin’ in a whole new light, because I’ve actually seen it.”

They cross the Seine on the pedestrian bridge Passerelle Debilly and view the “Love Locks” that couples put there.

When they get to the base of the tower, JoJo in awe says, “Like this video is not doing it justice. It’s like it is towering over us. Like I am looking basically straight up right now to see it completely.”

Satisfied with seeing the Eiffel Tower, JoJo thoughts turn to alcohol. He says, “By the way, something that’s really, really awesome here that I wish the States would do, you can have open canisters here, so if you want, you can just bring a bottle of wine and walk in the grass over here and drink.” They find a someone selling beer and wine out of a bucket and JoJo gets a 35 Euro bottle of wine. “I’m living my true Paris France dream right now, yes, sir,” JoJo says happily, as he takes a hold of a large bottle of white wine.

JoJo drinks half the bottle, but as they leave the area to go to dinner, he’s unsure if he can carry it on the street. He want to make sure he’s in compliance. “I’m a rule follower in every respect, in the parks, in the world, in the cities,” he says with a straight face as he tells the bald-faced lie. To finish it off rather than carry it, he asks Jete to help by chugging it. Jete demurs, saying, “I can’t chug wine. I respect it too much.”

To get a quick dinner before going to see the Féerie revue show at Moulin Rouge, they eat at Brasserie de la Tour Eiffel, near the Eiffel Tower. JoJo gets a Riesling and a charcuterie board and Jete gets pesto linguine.

After dinner, they take car to Moulin Rouge. JoJo talks about how the Moulin Rouge movie influenced his interest in videography/filmmaking. He had a film class in high school and the movie was one that the class studied.

JoJo and Jete are dropped off somewhere about 5 minutes away from the Moulin Rouge. That’s because JoJo thinks it’s where he’s supposed to pick up the tickets. Not knowing what to do, they walk toward the venue. When they get to the Moulin Rouge, JoJo realizes they had the tickets all along (presumably on the phone).

Along the way, JoJo notices that there are a lot of adult businesses in the area. That would have been a clue for him about the nature of the Moulin Rouge show.

They aren’t allowed to record the show, so there’s no footage of it. After the show, JoJo says “It was really good, like really, really good.” He goes on to say that there’s a lot of nudity which is a new experience for him. JoJo gives a 9 out of 10. Jete, who says he enjoyed it despite in being all in French, gives it a 12 out of 10.

It’s clear from how JoJo looks and how he is speaking that he had a lot to drink during the show, which may have added to the enjoyment. Jete also loved it, saying, “This was by far one of the best things we’ve done this past like week and a half.” In the vlog epilogue from his apartment, JoJo says, “This is the one time I will admit I was drunk.”


by Angela Tortelli



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