JoJo’s World: First Time in Cozumel

It’s day 5 of JoJo’s cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas, and the ship is now at Cozumel, Mexico. On board the ship, JoJo explains they are required to wear a mask at all times when the disembark there. He also says that it’s cool that he will be able to take a step on land and then be able to say that he’s been to Mexico.

JoJo and Kyle leave the ship and look around the area of the cruise terminal. JoJo points out the excursion opportunities and the stores. He notes how persistent the people trying to sell their wares can be and attributes it to the ship being the first one there since the start of the pandemic (not knowing that sellers at tourist-only locations are always aggressive). He sees a Señor Frog’s and says he went to the one in Orlando many times during his DCP.

They walk to the entrance to the terminal and JoJo says they are going to venture outside of it “a little bit”. Calling themselves “baby tourists”, JoJo says that they don’t know much about where they are and they want to stay safe. He points out that there are newsmen and vloggers eagerly waiting outside the terminal to talk to passengers about the return of cruising.

Through the eyes of a baby tourist:

“It’s definitely interesting to see a whole different world. This is definitely something different than what I’m used to back at home in Orlando. It’s crazy. There’s so many mopeds and scooters and cars.”

~ JoJo

JoJo talks to a vlogger, J from The Shiplife YouTube channel. J says that he’s been in Cozumel since the day before, talking to locals about the resumption of cruise ships arriving. He says a lot of the businesses on the road outside the terminal have been shut down.

JoJo and Kyle also talk to the newspeople and give their view of their experience. “Everyone onboard has been great. We’ve had nothing but great service,” Kyle states. JoJo tells them that he and Kyle want to come back soon, which is odd, since they haven’t even left the terminal for the first time yet. He also makes a shameless plug for his YouTube channel.

JoJo tell his viewers that J told him that Cozumel has one of the lowest crime rates in Mexico. That apparently wasn’t enough for the “baby tourists”, since they turn around and head back to the ship without actually venturing out.

Back on the ship, JoJo gets breakfast, including his “favorite drink”, orange juice. “Oh my god. Something not alcoholic for once,” JoJo says appreciatively.

Later, JoJo and Kyle waste more their time at port by playing mini golf on the ship.

They do go back on land later in the day. First thing they do is check out the Señor Frog’s a little, but they don’t go in. Instead they walk down the main drag for about 4/10 of a mile to Tikila Bar, where they get a margarita. JoJo says they need to get an actual one in Mexico.

JoJo takes a taste of his drink and makes a face. He says it’s good and that he can’t taste the alcohol.

They head back to the ship and that then was the extent of their exploration of Mexican culture. JoJo’s sees Señor Frog’s and regrets not going there.

Back on the ship, they go to dinner. For an appetizer, JoJo gets escargot. “It’s not that bad,” he reports. About his pork chop entree, he says, “Oh, that has flavor.”

After eating, they immediately head to the theater to see the “headliner show”, a show called Impact. “Impact, from Argentina, that was really good. Definitely up there with the show we saw yesterday, the dancing show, Invitation to Dance,” JoJo says.

Back in their cabin, JoJo mentions they are registering for a mandatory Covid test they have to take onboard. He also shows an example of the towel sculptures that housekeeping leaves them each day. JoJo ends the day and the vlog with a late-night piece of pizza.


by Angela Tortelli


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