JoJo’s World: First Night in Tokyo

On their Tokyo trip, JoJo and Jete have left the airport and are looking for their hotel. From where they were dropped off by the bus from the airport, JoJo sees on his phone that they are now just two minutes away. Walking to it they find the hotel, the Minn Kasai, and complete the check-in.

They go to their room, where JoJo does a room tour. He notices that there is a sign on the floor telling guests to take off their shoes and he and Jete comply. Looking at the bathroom, JoJo remarks on how large it is. Jete excitedly asks if there is a bidet. JoJo, with even more excitement, says that yes, there is. Jete literally jumps for joy. He says he wants to try it, but JoJo tells him that’s “off the vlog” and for Jete’s “OnlyFans”.

There are two twin beds in the room, but they are touching, and as we know from previous vlogs, JoJo can’t handle even the appearance of sleeping in the same bed with another male. To preserve his manhood, JoJo elects to use the bunk beds in the room.

Jete turns on the TV and they watch some Japanese television ads. At some point, JoJo sees that he has some kind of liquid leaking in his luggage. He says, “If this is the worst thing that happens to me on this trip, I’ll be okay.” There is a cut to JoJo narrating at home where he says (milking the bad situation he previously alluded to), “Future JoJo can confirm that it definitely was not the worst thing that happened.”

Better to leave the ball before midnight:

“Not only did we not wave down a taxi, we couldn’t get a taxi on the Uber app, so we had to order an actual Uber, which cost a lot more money. It ended up being a $150, but split that between three people… IT WAS STILL EXPENSIVE.”

~ JoJo

After getting cleaned up, they two go out for the evening with friend Gabby. The three go to a train station, where understandably, JoJo is a little unsure of what he’s doing. In his narration post-trip, he says it’ll be seen in the vlog series that he gets more comfortable with the culture and the transportation system. On the train, he notes that the seats are soft and that it is very quiet. He says no one else is talking, but he continues talk despite the clue that he shouldn’t.

Arriving at Shibuya, they experience the famous Shibuya Crossing and walk through the snow to eat at a sushi restaurant. They enter their order on a touchscreen and it’s delivered to them on a conveyor belt. JoJo tries to use chopsticks, but he can’t manage it, so he just uses them to shovel the food directly off the plate into his mouth. Jete is disappointed with his food selection, but he ordered it without seeing the English version of the menu. JoJo tries plum wine and likes it, saying it’s better than Epcot’s.

When they finish eating, they go to a bar, and then a nightclub.

Afterward, JoJo explains that the trains have stopped running, but they will try to get a taxi or an Uber. He is slightly slurring his words, but as always, insists he is not even buzzed. They fail to get a taxi and have to resort to using an Uber for $150. At the hotel, Jete, who has been tired all evening, is ready to fall asleep on his feet.

[3/5]  The vlog at least provides a feel for what it is like as a first-time visitor to check-in to their accommodation, to dine at a restaurant, and to take a train. A viewer may take away that if JoJo and Jete can do it, they could do it too, although they did get help from Gabby.

by Angela Tortelli



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