JoJo’s World: First Dole Whip

JoJo Crichton with a Dole Whip at Magic Kingdom

Keith and JoJo have the day off, so they go to Magic Kingdom. As JoJo walks down Main Street, he spots Tyler, a balloon seller. Tyler says he’s “floating by, the usual.”. JoJo shows viewers an Instagram post of JoJo and Tyler together.

Moving along into the hub, JoJo explains he wasn’t planning on spending any money that day, but Keith wants a Dole Whip and now he’s thinking of getting one also. JoJo says he’s never had his own Dole Whip before, so that’s going to be his goal for the day.

JoJo and Keith first ride Buzz Lightyear and then return to the hub where they meet Emily. She tells a story of meeting the basketball player Anthony Davis earlier that morning. Emily didn’t know who he was at the time. She loaded him onto the ride and he gave her a high-five when he found he could fit on the seat despite his height.

Living the Disney Life:

“We live in Disney. We work in Disney. We love Disney. We play in Disney. Let’s get it.”

~ JoJo

The three go to Adventureland but because lines are long (“Adventureland is popping off right now.”) they decide to go to Fantasyland. However, they first stop at Aloha Isle Refreshments to get the Dole Whip. JoJo says he has tasted Dole Whip before, but has never bought one for himself. It’s a long line and JoJo asks Keith if it’s worth it. Keith nods yes, but JoJo keeps the camera on Keith and Keith continues to nod until JoJo turns the camera away and then laughs at him.

JoJo gets a Dole Whip swirl and says he doesn’t think he can eat it all. He says he is trying to eat it all, and to his dad watching the vlog, says he’s going to try to eat all his food that day. He doesn’t show himself finishing it so we don’t know if that’s true or not.

They go to Fantasyland and JoJo says hey to Peter Pan. He is proud that Peter says hello back. They ride on the teacups and, with the addition of Austin, cram together as usual in one cup.

After being joined by Julia, the group ride the PeopleMover. JoJo points out the new Tron ride construction and hopes that he’ll still be at Disney when it opens. He says he’s actively trying to stay.

After that, they get food at Pecos Bill and then watch the fireworks from behind the castle, which JoJo thinks is awesome. They ride The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and then Big Thunder Mountain. Concluding the video, JoJo gives the usual exhortations to subscribe. The end.

JoJo Crichton with balloon seller Tyler on Main Street in Magic Kingdom
Tyler, JoJo and balloons

[3/5]  After a couple of videos with vlogger Kyle Pallo, JoJo is back with his original friends, Keith and Austin. There’s not much going on in this video though. It’s just JoJo showing his personality and his reactions to experiencing the Magic Kingdom, including eating a Dole Whip.

by Angela Tortelli


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