JoJo’s World: Finding Pokémon Cafe

After sleeping most of the day, JoJo wants to leave his hotel room in Japan and go out somewhere (“We’re in Japan! We got to do something!”). Jete doesn’t want to because he’s so tired, but JoJo says they are going to the Pokémon Cafe. Jete notes that he’s never even seen Pokémon.

They leave the hotel and walk to the rail station, about seven minutes away. At the station, JoJo says he can’t stress enough how easy riding the train is, even though they had some difficulty getting Jete’s rail card recharged with funds. They travel by train to Nihombashi station, where they disembark to look for the Pokémon Cafe.

After getting off the train, they’re a little unsure of where they’re at. They trek through the city to where they think they’re going, and JoJo comments about the various stores and things they see along the way. Eventually, they find themselves at the “Pokémon Center”, which confuses JoJo since he was looking for the Cafe. They go inside and JoJo realizes the Pokémon Cafe is in the Pokémon Center.

JoJo learns there’s no more Cafe reservations for the day, so he and Jete look at the merchandise that’s for sale. He decides to get Dan a plate that’s the face of a Ditto pretending to be a Pikachu. “I think it’s just memeable,” he says. There’s also a display of Pokémon history.

Jed, who is a character performer at Tokyo Disneyland and a friend of JoJo, joins them. Jed was thinking he was going to be joining them for dinner at the Pokémon Cafe, and since they can’t do that, they have to hunt for someplace else to eat. They look for a place with availability and finally find a bar to stop at. They get drinks and nibble on some bar snacks.

After the bar, they make there way to a British Pub. Jed and Jete get full meals, but JoJo orders buffalo wings, not realizing it would just be a small appetizer for one. JoJo tries to guilt the other two for having more food, but Jed reminds him that he had told JoJo to get what he and Jete got. Shamelessly, JoJo asks Jete if he can have some of his fries. Jete tells him no.

After dinner, they go back to the Pokémon Center to take some selfies in front of the Pokémon walls. Then after saying goodbye to Jed, JoJo and Jete take the train back to their hotel. Their room is “organized chaos” (a mess), which JoJo says is how they like it. JoJo tells viewers to stay “kawaii” (cute).


by Angela Tortelli



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